9. The Cub

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Ethel meticulously cut the beast belly as she slide the dagger with fastidious care, her moves were neither slow nor hurry. The beast let out a small whimper as Ethel safely take the little one out.

Sweat trickled in her forehead and make way to her lovely face. The formers body was pampered and didn't experienced hard work.

The original host didn't have any background in medicine and was not adept in executing a tedious and impromptu operation like this.

That's why she needs to be more focused and pour more attention than she used to because of the body's lack of consciousness in the field of refining and healing.

Ethel summoned a white cloth from her cosmos bag and wrapped the little one. The iron smell of blood made her crinkled.

As she gazed at the small beast wrapped like a baby in her arms, Ethel felt pity.

The emotionless and cold Ethel actually love cute things and always have soft spot for them so it's understandable why she took pity on the little beast.

Ethel gazed at the mother beast and was about to stich the wound when it shook it's head.

"Don't you want to live for him?" Ethel asked.

"I can feel it child, I am slowly losing my life." A seemingly small smile hung on her lips.

"But I can help you live, you know that right" Ethel said in the matter of fact without any ounce of arrogance and bragging.

The mother beast sighed internally, this child surely has keen senses. The mother beast can actually sense someone's capability when it's aura was tangled with it's own, that's why she knows that Ethel's capability was way higher than any doctor quacks in this world.

"I will only endangered my offspring if I continue to live. There are people hunting our kind with sinister intentions."

"Sinister intentions?"

"Yes they are out to hunt every last of our kind. They are after our celestial cores. Many of my family was killed and the elders were caught and injured." The mother beast hung down it's head and slowly transform into a beautiful woman.

Good thing she's full cloth but the obvious wound on her stomach and ribs looks hideous and scary to look at but Ethel didn't even fazed when faced with the gory sight.

She continue to listen with the mother beast story. "My husband and I have no other choice but to fled from our home, just to protect our offspring" The woman caressed the little beast face as she cough with blood. "H-he died when he lures our pursuers, I don't have a choice but to hide in this continent and wait till I deliver my little one. B-but for a strange reason they always find ways to track us. Injured I was forced to stay in this forest." She once again cough blood and stared at Ethel.

"Child before I leave this world I will be complacent if you take my son under your wing."

"Why me? You don't even know me well?" Despite with the good offer laid out, Ethel can't take the risk. Base solely on the mother beast story, there are powerful figures pursuing them. If she accept the little one, it was like bringing a time bomb to her side waiting it to blow on her face. She can't afford to make more enemies now that she is still weak.

"I know that I'm giving you a hot potato to take care of, but my little one is still in it's infant form I believe they won't be able to detect his aura yet. Aside from that no one knows I'm pregnant, after I die they will also thought that everything is over."

Ethel racked her brains and formulate a plan ahead. Looking at the little beast innocent and cute face, Ethel can't let anyone hurt such a cute thing. Beside, this little one is also a good investment if she can gather more power to protect herself and her family in the future, her plans will probably sail smoothly.

Ethel knew that taking this little guy with her would possibly caused chaos and bloodshed in the future but she will make sure that she is powerful enough before it even happen.

"I accept your offer."

The mother beast in woman form smile. "Thank you as a token of appreciation I will give you a map for an ancient inheritance, when you are ready and powerful enough just go to this place and try to obtain it, this will help you get stronger but remember that this is not an ordinary inheritance the place is dangerous and full of traps." The beast reminded kindly.

The beast extend her hand and pierced her heart. Ethel expected blood to rush out but contrary to what she thought, light burst out and a diamond like ball came out from the mother beast chest.

The diamond ball of light shines brightly and float in front of them. Panting, the mother beast stated. "T-This is my celestial core, hide it in your cosmos bag carefully, this will help you advanced in power.

"This is too much but I am thankful with your help. I will take a good care of your son" Ethel solemnly said. She didn't expect the mother beast to be too generous, nevertheless she felt grateful.

"S-Someday if you become a powerful figure I hope you could help my elders defeat those enemies. I-I know I'm asking for too much bu-t I hope you could lend a hand for them in the future. Once my core was all consumed by you the map of my former home will appear. T-Thank you for the help." The mother beast said before cradling her newborn beats in her arms, she planted a kiss and sadly closed her eyes.

The innocent beast let out a small cry when the mother beast slowly disappear, just like a dust fading into the thin air.

Ethel's gazed at the little cub and stroke it's face.

It's now time to go home.

This chapter is dedicated to my lovely readers. Special mention to devil_mask, khiily, JanicePadua5, and keylee17. Thank you everyone for the support.

Oh yeah, got a time to make a chapter for this one. I've been busy as usual that's why my sched is kinda hectic.

So I was on a month of hiatus but inspiration struck me and I just have to write it. Anyways I will be happy if you drop your feedbacks on the comment section.

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