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"Can we go to the other coffee shop?"

"It's harder to park there,"



I drove to the other coffee shop and parked outside, Maddox happily leaving the car now we were at this one instead.

When we got inside, she gave me her bag to take to the table while she ordered. She was being pretty persistent about things all of a sudden, but I put it down to nerves and found us a table.

Not long after, she slipped into the seat opposite me and rested her chin on her hand; her hair fell infront of her face and I tucked it behind her ear.

"Did I drive okay?"

"You drive better than Henry, that's for sure,"

"Most people can,"

"True. Would you drive somewhere far?"

"If I had to I guess,"

"I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere for your birthday. Or near, I don't know what your dad is doing, but maybe we could stay somewhere for a weekend,"

"Yeah... that sounds nice. Can we wait until after my blood test results come back though?" I mumbled, looking down, "Just incase,"

"Yeah, of course. Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. I might be more sick,"


"Yeah. Dad thinks that,"-

I was interrupted by a waitress putting drinks infront of us, Maddox having a latte, while I had a hot chocolate.

On the top in whipped cream was 'gf?' which Maddox leant over to look at, then giggled and sat back down, chewing her lip.

"This is why we came here?"


"You're so cute. I would love to be your girlfriend,"

"Well thank fuck,"

"Do you think it's weird we planned this?"

"Nah... well probably, but if we are both happy that's all that matters,"

"I feel like a giddy child,"

"You look like one," she said, "You look like you've just been told you're going to Disneyland,"

"Well I get to go around calling you my girlfriend. Same level of happiness,"

She took my hand across the table and held it as we spoke.

There was this energy around Maddox that bounced off her like a ray of sunshine and I had always been drawn towards her.

I believed I was my best when I was around her, and she was my safe space for sure.

We could talk about anything and everything, but silence worked just as well. I guessed deep down I had always known I wanted this, even before I even understood that I liked girls.

I never told dad, he just kind of rolled with it and probably knew before me anyway. I was really bad at shutting up about celebrity crushes.

"What does your dad think? About the blood tests?"

"Just that my medication will change,"

"Oh. Okay,"


I looked down at my drink and chewed the inside of my cheek, fearing I had ruined the moment.

But Maddox saved it, or ruined it equally as much as me.

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