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"Alright, are we ready?" Sierra asked, clapping her hands together, "Any last questions?"

"Can I have food after?"

"You can't straight away but I will let you know when you can,"




"You want Mac and cheese?"


"Okay, we can get you that at some point," Sierra laughed, "Those meds are kicking in huh?"

"Can I go to sleep before the theatre?"

"We are about to do that,"

"Dad, watch it,"

"I'm off duty, but I will wait in my office!" I said, giving her a smile, "See you in a bit sweetheart,"

They wheeled her out the room, her eyes beginning to droop; Sierra stayed behind and gave me a kiss.

"I've got her, you should go somewhere,"

"I'll go to my office,"

"Are any of the guys off work?"

"I don't know,"

"Okay... I will let you know as soon as she is out and settled,"

Once she left, I got all of our bags together and took it up to my office, dumping it on the sofa. Then, I sat on my chair and spun it round, looking out the window across the courtyard.

Now all I could do was wait.

"This isn't very welcoming for a guest,"

I spun round to see Ashton at my door, coffee and breakfast in hand. He gave me a smile, then put it down on my desk and moved everything off my sofa to sit on instead.

He wasn't wearing scrubs, instead he wore normal clothes, and had his curls out loosely.

"What are you doing?"

"Keeping you company. I brought mine and Mike's switch, or some books, or canvases to paint on. Or we could go for a drive, and talk. We even have time for a run if you want,"

"I just want to stay here,"

"Okay, well that leaves gaming, reading, and art. And talking!"

"Ash, I really appreciate this but,"-

"No buts. You cannot sit here for hours alone doing nothing. Why don't we paint?"

"Ash, I am not in the mood,"

"I know, that's why I'm here,"

"Ashton," I said sternly, "I'm not... I'm not in the mood man,"

"You're certainly in a mood, just not a good one. What's up?"

I laid my head down on my arms and groaned, shaking my head. Then, I clenched my fist together and sighed, closing my eyes.

"Are you nervous about her surgery?"

"Yeah but every parent is. I'm just- this whole thing is so fucked up and I'm so mad,"

"I know,"

"What if she's really upset when she wakes up and refuses to get better?"

"Calum won't let her refuse, and I do think she will be upset because she will be in pain and have lots of emotions to process, but she will be okay. Once she realises what this all means she will love it,"

"I'm so tired,"

"I know,"

As I broke into tears, he rubbed my back, waiting for me to let it all out.

I'd hardly processed that she collapsed, even though she was now in surgery, and the past couple of days had been a whirlwind of shouting, crying, and stress. 

Plus, the gradual introduction of Sierra that I wanted had been thrown out the window, and though Gabi seemed to be liking it right now, I was worried that in a few weeks, it would all catch up to her.

Knowing her, Gabi would probably feel weird that Sierra has done surgery on her.

When I didn't stop crying, Ashton pulled my limp body up and hugged me, hushing me.

"I've got an idea, and it requires leaving, but I will make sure that any information gets relayed to Michael who can tell us,"

"I don't wanna leave Ash,"

"I don't wanna sit here and watch you cry,"


He took my hand and grabbed his wallet, then some tissues and wiped my face, putting sunglasses on me.

Then, he pulled me out the room and got a nurse to inform Sierra of everything, and took me out of the hospital.

The fresh air hit me by surprise, but was quickly gone again when I got into Ashton's car.

He put the radio on, and pulled out the car park, putting directions in.

"Where are we going?"

"To smash things,"


"We are going to smash plates and pots and whatever the fuck there is. I know a place,"

"You know a place?"


"Gosh you piss me off sometimes,"


I watched out the window in silence as he drove us to this place, checking my phone every minute to see if anything had happened.

Sierra was good at her job, but I was still worried.

When we arrived, Ash came round and opened my door, then I followed him into a building which instantly filled my ears with the sound of smashing. He really wasn't lying when he said he knew a place.

I waited as he spoke to the front desk, then he handed me some glasses and a box of things to smash, leading ahead with two huge hammers.

"Ash what on Earth?"

"You don't wanna talk, or colour, or drive round, so we can smash. Put the box there, grab something, and throw it,"

"How did you find out this place existed?"

"I don't know, but I love it,"

He threw a plate at the wall and it shattered, then he passed one to me and stood back.

"Throw it,"


"You can write on it,"

"What is this gonna do?"

He grabbed a pen and wrote 'Kiera' on the plate, then stood back again and nodded.

Lamely, I threw the plate infront of me and it split in two.

"You've gotta do better than that,"


I picked up the two halves and threw them across the room with all my strength, watching them shatter.

Annoyingly, he was right, it did feel kind of relieving. I cracked a grin and he passed me a hammer, patting my back.

And we went to town with them.



ngl guys gonna hit you with a double update just cos i can and im feeling generous

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