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"Happy birthday!"

I squinted as the light turned on, dad letting out a groan beside me. Neither of us had slept very well because during the night we had been visited by a nurse like, 50 times.

"Michael you just woke them up,"


"Good morning," Ashton said, "Coffee?"

He passed dad a cup of coffee and then gave me a tight hug, sighing.

"Move I want a hug," Michael said, "Moveeeee,"

I giggled and hugged Mike, then Calum, then dad sat on the edge of my bed so the others could sit on his.

"Happy birthday," he whispered, "Do you feel okay?"



"We brought breakfast," Calum said, pulling five boxes from the canteen out of a bag, "Would you like pancakes, fruit salad, or cooked things,"


He passed me those, then dad a cooked one, sharing the rest between themselves. It was nice to be surrounded by almost everyone, and to feel a lot better whilst doing so.

Plus, no one was in scrubs. Even I had changed into pyjamas.

"I remember coming to the hospital 18 years ago when you were all tiny, and I could hold you in one arm," Ashton said, "You never cried, and you definitely had some attitude, so not much has changed really,"


"Am I wrong?"


"She was a good baby! You know, that's why I specialised to working with babies, because you were such a good one. I babysat you all the time," Michael said, "You guys just can't handle a bit of crying and poop,"

"Don't talk about my poop,"

"I don't miss the poop,"


"I'm just saying I had you potty trained the moment you could walk,"

"That is true," Calum nodded, "Gosh you were so cute! And now you are a very wonderful young woman. I am really proud of you,"

He began to tear up and I looked at dad who was doing the same. Then Ashton too.

"Michael... make it stop,"

"Let them have their moment,"

"Why are you crying? Don't cry,"

"We are so proud,"

"I haven't really done much,"

"Don't be silly," dad said, "You have achieved a lot, and that can only go up! Now, would you like your presents?"

"Yes please,"

He reached into the bag and pulled out a small box and a card, passing them to me. Inside the box was a silver necklace which had both of our birth stones on.

"This is beautiful. Thank you, dad,"

"You might be leaving soon, but this way we can stay together,"

"I don't think I'll be leaving soon,"

"No interviews?"


"I get to keep you for another year," he gasped, squeezing me tightly, "And we can figure it out for the next applications,"

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