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"Mate, what's happening?"

"I think Gabi collapsed,"

"Oh shit,"

"I should've stayed. I should've been with her today,"

When we got home, I went to undo my seatbelt and realised I never even put it on, so I ran inside the house, shocked to see Gabi sat on the kitchen counter.

"Gabi? Are you okay? I heard a huge crash,"

"The phone fell and I have plate stuck in my foot now,"

"Do you need help?"

"Why is Calum here?"

"You didn't collapse?"

"No. The phone fell... um, sorry,"

"It's okay darling, I am gonna stay off anyway since you're not feeling too good,"

"Let me come to your office, then I am close to the doctors,"

"You do have a fair point, Cal will let everyone know we are coming so someone can get you lunch,"

We sorted out her foot, then she put trainers on and we left again, though she couldn't walk in a straight line so Calum looped arms with her.

"How are you feeling?"

"I just felt all dizzy,"

"Okay. Have you eaten and drank enough?"

"I only took my medicine,"

"Well that's no good. We can get you some lunch and a drink at the office and see how that makes you feel,"


"It's okay honey," he said, climbing into the back with her, "It's okay. I'm gonna make sure you're okay,"

"I just felt dizzy,"

"It's probably because you haven't eaten! And when you don't eat it can throw it all off balance and make you dizzy, and confused because your medicine needs the right conditions,"

"We will get you some lunch," I said, pulling out of the drive, grateful she just needed food.

Calum's text came through, so hopefully Sierra wouldn't end up coming to the office, and instead one of the guys would bring her food.

When we got to the hospital, I carried her on my back, taking her to my office where Michael and Ashton sat. I sat her on the sofa, then grabbed one of the lunches left on my desk and gave it to her, passing one to Calum and taking the last one for myself.

When I sat down, she fell onto me and dropped her fork, so I picked it back up for her and got a forkful, putting it to her lips.

"I'm tired,"

"You haven't eaten, that's why,"

She opened her mouth and I fed her, trying to pass her the fork back. She refused.

"Here mate, I will help her out," Michael said, "You make sure you eat,"

"I'm just dizzy, and tired. I'm not hungry,"

She was beginning to get frustrated, I could hear the strain in her voice, so I hushed her and kissed her head a couple of times.

"Well once you have eaten, Calum can decide if we need to get you any extra medicine,"

Michael took my place and supported her body, then helped her eat a bit while I sat with Ash. She looked pale and was shaking, and I could see Calum eyeing her closely.

He brushed the hair from her face and felt her cheek, then she pushed his arm away and rolled her eyes, relief washing over me.

"She's back,"

"I'm hungry,"

"Eat then you 'nana,"

"I'm tired,"

"Come on," Mike said firmly, "If you can walk I will sneak you up to look at the babies through the window,"

That promise shut her up, and she took the fork, slowly eating lunch. Ash wrapped his arm round my shoulder and comforted me, for it had all just caught up with me, and we just sat as she ate.

Afterwards, Mike took her off to see the babies, and Ash got paged, so I paged Sierra to come back to me.



"I think she should stay off school tomorrow," Calum said slowly.


"Do you think she would let me do an ultrasound?"

"Why do you need to do an ultrasound?"

"Because I would like to see her kindeys, I sure hope I don't have to explain an ultrasound to you,"

"Yeah. Okay. She is doing it,"

"I'm taking over her case," he said, standing up, "11am tomorrow? Is that okay?"

"Whatever. I'm taking the day off. I'm taking today off. I don't know,"

"Take the day off, and tomorrow. I will go and do it for you,"

He gave my shoulder a squeeze then left.

And I began to cry.

I tucked my knees up on the sofa and just burst into tears.

Because I was so fucking scared.

"Phew, that was a close call! We almost- Luke?"

I felt Sierra wrap her arms round me and she kissed my head, holding me close.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Gabi?"

"Calum's taking over,"

"Oh... that means she is in good hands though. Maybe he just wanted to switch because you know how protective of her he is,"

"No. He is doing an ultrasound,"

"Well that can mean lots of things. I expect he got a few labs back, and he now wants to check nothing abnormal is in her kidneys that might have influenced the results. Once he has all the labs back he will tell you everything,"

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry,"

"Don't be sorry, at all. I am here to support you, and once Gabi warms up to me I am there for her too. I am there for her even if she hates me,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too," she whispered, kissing me, "You will get through this. Are you taking the day off?"

"And tomorrow,"

"Good. I will go before Gabi gets back, but call me tonight, okay? Things will be okay,"

"Sometimes you really make me believe that,"

"Because I know it will be,"

close call ik : 0

maybe a double update kinda day???

ty for 4k already hehe

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