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"Good morning Mads,"

I put down a cup of coffee and laid out the tray on the bed with toast and berries on for us.

"Wake up,"

"What time is it?"


She squinted and looked at me, then pulled me down to kiss her.

"I wanna sleep more,"

"I made coffee,"

She sat up and took the cup, taking a few sips; then she smiled at me and picked up the toast.

"Thank you,"

"Julian and Maja want us to go on a hike,"


"I don't think I can,"

"We can stay,"

"I don't think they'll actually go," I whispered, "Maja on a hike when there's a hot tub here?"


"I said we would cook tonight,"

She shot her head towards me and her eyes widened, then she shook her head.

"We have oven pizzas. We can just make a salad and fries or something,"

"Okay, good,"


April knocked on the door, then opened it and peeked round, grinning.

"Can I braid your hair?"


"Because I want to, and you complained yesterday in the hot tub,"


"Fine. They've given up on the hike, by the way. We were thinking the beach?"

"Sounds good,"

She left and we giggled, then finished eating so we could get dressed.

I put on a bathing suit and then shorts and a tshirt over, packing a bag for the beach. Mads added her bits in, then took it from me.

After my surgery she had become protective, and I did kind of like it, because she wasn't obvious like dad. She did lots of small things that were kind of inconvenient for me, and made no fuss.

"Now can I braid your hair?"

"Go on then," I said, sitting on the floor, "Morning, Henry,"


"She can't," Julian said, "Luke asked me to make sure that was the one thing she didn't have,"

"He is so dramatic,"

Henry brought me a glass of orange juice instead, then kissed April and sat beside me.

"Are we taking your wheelchair to the beach?"



"Awh, he's worried about you," April laughed, "She will be fine,"

"Are you recovered then?"

"Hell no,"


"What is this? 100 questions with Vogue?" Maja asked, "Of course she isn't recovered. Have you seen the amount of medicine she takes?"

"That's for forever," I mumbled, "But it's fine. I am better, but you won't see me doing anything too insane for a while,"

"As if we do anything like that anyway,"

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