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"No peeking,"

"Sierra what's going on?"

"Shh, Gabi is asleep. Okay. Open!"

She stood infront of me holding flowers and chocolate, a big grin on her face. This evening she had cooked for me, and she had got me to do a face mask too with a movie.

Then she had taken Maddox home while I got Gabi to sleep, and returned with more excitement.

"I've forgotten something important, haven't I?" I mumbled quietly.

"Not really,"

"What does that mean?"

"Happy 3 month anniversary!"

"Oh shit. Oh no... I,"-

"Before you say anything, I know it's kind of over the top to celebrate three months. I just wanted an excuse to buy you chocolate, and have a solid reason to pamper you, because you refuse to sit down for a second,"

"Well thank you,"

"I am so proud of you, for getting through this transplant and the recovery. I am positive she will start to feel better very quickly now," she said, passing me the flowers, "And I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"I am very grateful that you let me into your life,"

My bottom lip started to tremble and I looked away, rolling my eyes at myself as I began to cry.

"Don't cry. I don't expect to celebrate every month, you haven't forgotten anything,"

"It's not that,"

"What's up? Here, let's fine a vase and then we can talk,"

"I love you,"

She stopped, and smiled, then cupped my cheek and kissed me softly.

"You deserve the entire world, Luke Hemmings,"


"No. You deserve the entire world, and more. And I hope I can show you what it means to be loved, because you show me. Even if we fight, or are so busy we only get 5 minutes in the corridor, you show me,"

"You do show me," I whispered, "And you show Gabi, whether she likes it or not,"

Satisfied, she gave a firm nod, then went and found a vase for my flowers. Once they were in the middle of the table, she opened the chocolates and put one in my mouth, then chose one for herself and lead the way upstairs.

No words could describe how grateful I was for Sierra.

For the past 18 years I hadn't had any luck. No one had stuck, no one had ever given me back to same energy, and obviously Kiera was a horrible situation overall.

The things she said to me compared to what Sierra said to me were insane. 18 years on, her words still glued themselves to me, but Sierra was showing me that they weren't true.

That I did deserve love.

And everyone deserved it, but after so long of wondering what was I was doing wrong, it made me think I didn't.
Sometimes I even found myself thinking Sierra was the one.

It was probably only about 20 minutes later when Gabi knocked on the door, Sierra rolling off me as she came in with tears down her face.

"What's up sweetheart?"

"I had a bad dream,"

"Okay, give me a minute and I will come,"

"I wanna sleep in your bed,"

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