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"So, you're Luke's...?"


"Ah. Well it's lovely to have you all here,"

I sat between Maddox and Angie on a huge sofa, dad and Sierra on another, while Marco sat in am arm chair.

Despite the grandness of the house, the inside was cosy, and had a lot of personality. It struck me as a very family oriented home which I hadn't expected considering Maddox lived away from home so much, and didn't always feel the greatest about her home.

She had her feet tucked up on the sofa and leant into my side, seeming to enjoy my awkward hug.

"I hope the journey wasn't too bad. Does anyone need a drink? Or a snack?"

"A coffee would be great, and water for Gabi, please," dad said.

"A water too please," Sierra said quietly, "Where is the bathroom?"

"One is just down the hall,"

"Great. Thanks,"

She left, and Angie followed, then the room fell to silence. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, and looked at dad, but he seemed just as nervous as me.

"Gabi, tell my dad about med school,"


"Tell him,"

"I heard you applied, how is it going?"

"I got an interview,"

"Well isn't that brilliant! Where?"

"The same place as me," Maddox giggled, sitting up straight again, "So now you don't have to worry about me being alone,"

"I will worry for the rest of my life. Luke gets it, don't you?"

"Oh definitely, especially since she's been my only company for a long time,"

"You're a doctor too, aren't you? For how long?"

"Ohh, about 16,17  years? I had Gabi in my final year of med school. Well not me, I didn't have Gabi but I... yeah,"

"Did you have a nanny then?"

"The hospital has childcare,"

"Oh right, that's convenient. So the brains run in the family huh?"

"I grew up around them, I think it was meant to be,"

"Here is a water,"

Angie interrupted the conversation and passed us all our drinks, then sat bad down beside me and looked me up and down.

"You look a lot like your dad. You're very pretty actually, have you considered becoming a model?"

"Mum, not everyone wants to become a model,"

"I know," she sighed, slouching, "But you are both so beautiful,"

"Did you model?" I asked.

"I did. And I still work in the industry, behind the scenes,"

"That's so cool. Do you have pictures?"

"Come with me,"

She took my hand and I followed her out of the room, heading up a wide stair case to a different room. There was all sorts inside, like sewing and painting, but she pulled out a huge photo book and ushered me to a beanbag.

"I won't show you them all, but these are from when I was your age,"


"As soon as I finished school I travelled to every shoot, wherever I could get,"

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