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"You look stunning,"

"Is it too much?"

"No," I said, grinning as I looked at Sierra's tight red dress, "You look beautiful,"

"Let me fix your tie,"

She stepped closer and began to adjust it, but we were interrupted by Gabi pretending to throw up, Sierra's head shooting round.

"I thought that was real!" she laughed, "I get it, I will keep the pda limited round you. I'm Sierra,"

"I know,"

Gabi got a jacket to go over her dress and then slipped on her trainers, shoving her phone in her pocket.

"I love your dress,"

"It's old,"

"Right," I said, clapping my hands together, "Shall we get going?"

"You have lipstick on your teeth,"

"You don't," I said, "Gabi, stop,"

She stormed ahead out the house and Sierra raised her eyebrows, but took my hand and swung it slightly, kissing me again.

"It's okay, Luke. Promise,"

"I'm sorry, she isn't horrible, she's just... I don't know. Anxious I think,"

"Let's enjoy it as much as we can. I read her favourite book so we can talk about that,"

"You did?"

"Come on,"

We got in the car, Gabi sitting in the front seat, which I began to protest with, but Sierra happily sat in the back. I let it happen because it was proving Gabi wrong and she needed to see that Sierra was a good person. The decision to have her around my daughter didn't come lightly.

"Sierra does general surgery, so she will know a lot about the sorts of things you want to do,"

"You want to be a general surgeon?"

"A doctor,"

"That's cool. Is that because of your dad?"

"No. I chose myself,"

"Still, that's awesome. What school do you want to go to!"

"I don't know,"

"Sierra and I actually went to the same school but she was a couple of years ahead,"


She looked out the window and chewed her lip, so I turned the radio on and let it be.

When we got to the restaurant, I went round and opened Sierra's door, then Gabi's, helping her out. Admittedly, she didn't look too good, but I expected she had been crying.

When we got inside, we got our table and I sat beside Sierra, Gabi opposite me holding the menu up to block me out.

"This place is lovely," Sierra said, "Thank you,"

"It's my favourite. Here, what do you want to drink?"

"I'll just have a water, early shift tomorrow,"

"Are you sure?"


"What about you Gabi?"


"Put the menu down, please,"

"People are gonna think she is my mum,"

"No they are not. Put the menu down,"

She put it down and rolled her eyes, looking at her phone from under the table.

"So, Gabi, tell me about yourself,"

"He hasn't already told you everything?"

"I am sure there are some things I dont know!"

"I don't like you?"

"Gabriella," I said sternly, "If this carries on then you will be in big trouble,"

Sierra squeezed my thigh and I sighed, putting on a smile as the waiter came over.

"What can I get you?"

"I'll have a diet coke and the beef burger please,"

"Water, and the bolognese please,"

"The same as her,"

"The same as your mum, right, got it. I'll just take your menus,"

Gabi's lips twisted and fell into a scowl, and even Sierra took an awkward gulp.

So, I put my phone in the middle of the table, and then Sierra's, plucking Gabi's from her hand and adding it to the stack.

"Gabi, I know you're unsure, but Sierra is really nice and just wants to get to know you, so please make an effort,"


"Tell me more about you wanting to be a doctor, if it's not your dad who inspired you, what did?"

"I don't wanna talk to you,"

She took a deep breath and scrunched her nose up, then excused herself to the bathroom and took her phone.

"I'm sorry... maybe this was a bad idea,"

"It was always going to be hard. We can just let her chill on her phone, her being in my company is a big step already," Sierra said, holding my hand, "I know you want this to be perfect but that just won't happen,"

"I know, I just, I want you to feel welcome,"

"I do feel welcome. You trying so hard makes me feel so, so loved. But Gabi doesn't feel welcome anymore and that's important to me too. So let's try working at her pace,"

I nodded and we kissed, but then Gabi came back and pretended to throw up again, not replacing her phone on the table.

Sierra and I ended up talking between ourselves for the entire evening, but Gabi did sit in the back on the way home in the car.

"Tonight was lovely. It was nice to meet you, Gabi. See you later!"

"Good riddance,"

"Gosh you are quick on your feet huh? See you later,"

As she shut the door, Gabi's posture released and she sighed, shutting her eyes to lean against the car door. Within a minute, she was asleep.

And I didn't know whether to hate her right now, or be kind of proud she stood up for herself in some odd, twisted way. It wasn't fair on Sierra, but it comforted me knowing she could stand her ground if she needed.

But I honestly settled more towards hating her right now.

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