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A few hours later, it was finally time for lunch. Nina stomach rumbled loudly as she met Kourtney by her locker. "Hungry?"

"Starving," Nina agreed. "I had to introduce myself in every single one of my classes this morning. Turns out, being constantly embarrassed burns a lot of energy,"

"A lesson I've learned every day since elementary school," Kourtney laughed. "You ready to go?" she started leading Nina towards the parking lot.

"I thought the cafeteria was back that way?" Nina asked, following her friend.

"You're a senior," Kourtney reminded her. "You can eat off-campus. And I know just the place."

She followed Kourtney down the street to an old fashioned diner. It was small, but it looked like the entire senior class was packed into it.

"It's like a mosh pit in here!"

"Go order," Kourtney said loudly over the noise. "I'll try and find us a table. Get me the #2 combo with extra cheese and a large coffee," She disappeared into the throng while Nina found the end of the winding line. She strained on her tip-toes to see the menu, but the bottom of it was still cut off by the people in front of her. She tried jumping up and down for a better view, but to no avail.

"Need a boost?"

Nina whirled around to see none other than Richard Bowen standing behind her. "It seems like we've been running into each other a lot," she mused. "Seems like fate,"

"That's a beautiful sentiment, but if that's how fate works, then I'm in trouble," Richard said. "I've bumped into Wanda Lewis like eight times today. You feel me, Beatrice?"

Richard turned his attention to the waitress behind the register. She smiled warmly at him "You're gonna get me in trouble if you sweet-talk me into another free milkshake, Ricky. I've already reached my quota for the week."

"I would never," Ricky said innocently. "I just wanted to make sure you took care of my friend here. Nina, this is Beatrice. She makes the best milkshakes in Utah,"

The older woman laughed before turning to Nina. "What can I get for you, hon?"

She relayed Kourtney's order before adding her own. Once she was done, she looked out over the packed diner. "Crap, I think I lost Kourtney. She was supposed to find a table,"

"I doubt she was able to in this crowd," Richard said. "Come sit with us. I'm here with some of the crew from the AV club to celebrate our first show. We have two seats open if you want them?"

"Thanks," Nina breathed a sigh of relief. "You're a life-saver,"

"Well, I consider myself to be more of a lunch-saver, but you're welcome," Richard said, leading her through the crowd. Nina stopped for a second, remembering Kourtney, but Richard assured her he had it covered. He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. "Kourtney! Corner booth! Stat!" He stood on his toes to see over the crowd. "She looks like I just told her to eat a spork but she's moving in the right direction. Come on," He grabbed her hand gently.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓ᵣᵢₙᵢ ₐᵤWhere stories live. Discover now