🎇Love Beyond Limits-14🎇

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Chapter 14: "The Hospital Attack!!!"

The episode starts with Riddhima calling Kabir. Finally Kabir picks up.

R(angry): I have called you both for a hundred times. Where were you both?

K: What happened Riddhima?

R: Where are you?

K: I and Aryan came out for some for work. Now, we are going back to hospital. But here, its a traffic jam.

R: How can you both leave them all alone? Just reach hospital ASAP.

K(worried): What is it? You look tensed?

R: Put the call on speaker.

He put the call on speaker.

R: Kabir and Aryan! They are coming! And According to my info, they are planning something big. You both reach hospital at the earliest. I don't want anyone of them to be harmed. Just Break the traffic signals, drive rashly do whatever you want just reach the hospital ASAP!

A: Yeah sure! Once we reach, we will tell them what it costs to mess with us.

R: No! You won't do anything. I don't want our reality to be revealed at this point.

A: What are we gonna do then.

R: Just protect them like a civilian. The way a normal humble person does and not the way,...we do it! They shouldn't doubt us. Just be with the girls! I will handle the rest. Don't make any extra move. Got it?

Karyan: We got it Riddhima Ma'am!

They end the call and tried to reach hospital.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, everyone was busy in their work when 4 men in a black outfit wearing masks on their face and holding guns in their hands entered the hospital. One of them shot a fire in the ceiling to make everyone panic.

Goon 1: Stop wherever you are!! No one will dare to move! I will shoot you right there if you tried to do so.

Everyone started shouting and panicking. There was a rush in the hospital to save themselves.

The goon boss pointed one of his goon,

Goon1: Go and shut down all the CCTV cameras and you ( pointing towards the 3rd one) Go and check if there is someone hiding or trying to run away, just get him to me.

Goon 4: Boss! Should I find them?

Goon 1: Find them! And bring them all to me. I want some fun!

All the goons get to their works. Goon 1 snatched the phones from everyone.

One goon came back with all the people hiding by holding them at gun point. Sia and Sejal were also included in this. The 2nd goon came back saying,

Goon 2: Boss! I can't find any of them. Just their dadi, that suhasini is laying on the bed unconcious.

Sejal spoke in horror,

S: please don't do anything to our dadi! What do you want?

Goon 1 smirked. So you are that RaiSinghania's daughter. You come and sit in front of me.

S: What?

Goon 1(shouts): JUST DO WHAT I AM SAYING!!! (Looking here and there) AND WHERE IS YOUR OTHER SISTERS?

Sia spoke in horror,

Sia: I..I am her sister. Sia!! What do you want from us.

One of the goons held both of them at gun point and brought them in front of their boss. In the meantime, The 3rd goon came back,

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