🎇Love Beyond Limits-44🎇

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Chapter 44: "The Holi Celebrations-2"

Meanwhile, Riddhima came towards the hall and was going hurriedly upstairs to change when Aditya approached her.
Adi: Riddhima! Where are you going?
R: Aditya! I need to change right now! I will be right back. You join everyone outside.
Adi:(himself): This is the right moment. No one is here and Riddhima is in hurry. She will not doubt me.
Adi: You have become so much careless these days. Look! You are sweating and still in hurry. Just sit down for a minute. Wait! I will bring juice for you.
R: That's not needed Aditya! I am fine.
But Aditya didn't listen and went towards the kitchen. He filled a glass of juice and added some drugs in it. Then, he came out and gave it to her. He insisted her on drinking so she drank the juice and emptied the glass.
R: Now, What's the matter? Tell me?
Adi: Riddhima! I have a really important work with you. Please! Listen to me first.
R: What is it?
A: I need to get some documents signed by you.
R: What kind of documents?
A: Some business deal. I will tell you just listen to me once.
R: Look! I am going up in my room. You come there with the papers.
Saying so, she went up.
After sometime, Aditya brought the papers to her. Riddhima was having headache and feeling dizzy.
R: So, What kind of business deal is it?
A: Actually, I had invested a big amount in an international company. It worths 100 crores. But they wanted surety and some witness from my side. And I couldn't think of any better person than you to be my guaranteer. You are an intelligence chief! Your reference would be the best!
R(holding her head): But I had never seen any deal to be done on surety kind of thing. And 100 crores! Don't you think its too much? Isn't it risky?
Adi: Riddhima! I brought these for the same reason. You can check these papers to be assured that this company is valid and safe.
R: But Why do you want them to be signed right now? Its holi today! Who does deal on a holiday too? My head is spinning. Can I sign them later?
A: Riddhima! Its an international company. They can't wait for Holi na. Its just a matter of two minutes. If you are not ok, then I can read these papers for you. But its completely safe.
R: Its not like that Aditya! I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong with you. I need to read these paper! I hope its completely ok with you.
A(hesitating): Yeah sure! Go ahead!
Riddhima starts reading the papers and reads upto 4-5 pages but as her head was spinning very much and she was having blurry visions, she gave up on reading.
R: I think its completely safe. Give me a pen! (Blinking her eyes to clear her vision) Tell me where I have to sign.
A(relieved): Yeah! Sign here!
He made her sign at the bottom left corner on every page and after that closed the file immediately and thanking her, he leaves from there.
R: Why Am I feeling dizzy? And this headache! I think the injury on my head is troubling me again.
Riddhima drinks water and after 5 minutes, she feels completely normal. She gets up and goes to washroom to change.

Aditya comes outside in the hall and looks at the property papers that she had signed and smirks evilly. He remembers how he had placed fake business deal papers above the property papers and drugged her so that she felt dizzy and couldn't read the papers. He thinks,

Adi(himself): You are a fool Riddhima! You don't even know what you have done. Now, I am one step away from my success and after that you will no longer be the owner of 100 crores. I have to claim this property in the court but before that, I have to do something of that Rehaan! ThankGod! I didn't gave any kind of intense drug to her. It was a simple headache and dizziness inducing drugs. Its effect will be gone in 10 minutes and no one will be able to figure out that she was drugged. And coming to doubt me, she had herself read the papers, she will not doubt me at all.

He looks at that property file and smirks.
Adi: You did a big mistake! Now get ready to pay for it too! I feel pity for you!
Saying so, he leaves from there unaware that a pair of eyes was watching him. It was Vansh.
V(himself): What was he talking about? What were those document papers? He was coming from Riddhima's room. Is he betraying Riddhima? I have to find out! I have to inform about it to Riddhima too!

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