Love Beyond Limits-60

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After joining some clues related to Annie going missing and the mysterious girl relating to Dehradun, Riansh decided to shift the wedding venue at Dehradun in order to search Annie. Aryan extremely disturbed by the idea, reveals how he had lost his sister, Nayra, in a gang rape at Dehradun. Kabir tells about his uncle who lives in Dehradun and suggests going there. After a long discussion and persuation, the RaiSinghanias decided to go to Dehradun.

Chapter 60: "Welcome to Dehradun!"

The episode starts with the next day where the three black cars are seen moving on the curvy roads between beautiful mountain of Dehradun. Riansh and IshaYan were in one car ,SejAngre and SiBir were in the second car, and Ajay, Mrs. D'Souza and Dadi accompanied by a Guard were in the third car. In one car, Aryan was lost reminiscing all the memories and Ishani was continuously holding his hand to prevent him from breaking down again. She was trying to make him smile. Vansh was busy in attending his online business meeting while Riddhima was driving and at the same time, observing the new blossoming feeling of IshaYan for each other. There was complete silence in the car. Vansh caught Riddhima smiling so he raised his eyebrow in question. Riddhima smirked and adjusted the front mirror to make Vansh see the back view of IshaYan. After adjusting, she deliberately turned the stirring wheel a little and made the car to have a minor jolt. It made Ishani falling in Aryan embrace a little with a jerk and accidentally kissing his cheek. They had an eyelock which was soon broken due to embarrassment.

Ishani(embarssed): Sorry! It was a jolt!
Aryan(turning gaze away being embarrassed): Its fine Ishani!

Vansh and Riddhima stared each other and then turned their gaze away hiding their laughters. They were continuously and silently teasing the couple with one thing or the other while in the second car, Kabir was desparate to meet his sisters and he was telling Sia about them while Angre was driving and Sejal was super panicked seeing the dangerous curvy roads and super deep canyons around mountains. Whenever Angre pressed the accelerator a little to make the car climb up the steep road, Sejal started shouting.

Sejal(panick): Ram Ram Ram Ram! We are gone!!(Shouting) Angre!! Slow down. We will get sunk!!
Angre(pissed): Are we floating in water that we will get sunk? Come on Yar Sejal! It would be better that you have sat in Riddhima's car. You have literally eat up my ears since the time I am driving!
Sejal(shocked): What!! No! Never!! Don't you remember what happened last time when we were going to Delhi! I will not sit with her even in my wildest dreams!!!
Angre(making an irritated face): How can I not remember? You had literally puked on my face!!

Then we see some flashbacks of the Dehli Drive where Riddhima had made everyone panicked with that fart bomb and her speedy driving skills.

Angre was looking at Sejal being totally pissed.
Sejal(puppy eyes): Acha Na! How many times should I say sorry for that?
Ang(jaws dropped): Like Seriously!! You have not said sorry for even a single time!!
Sejal(acting innocent): Oh really? Did I Angre?? Awww!!

She started squeezing Angre's cheeks.
Angre(irritating): Sejal! Stop it! You know I don't like this!
Sejal continues doing so teasing him. Angre looks at her giving angry looks but soon an approaching truck horn breaks their eye lock and Angre skillfully passes the approaching truck but Sejal.....

Sejal(shouting): Angre!!!!! No!!! We are gone!! I am dying!!! Someone save me please!!! Ram Ram Ram Ram!!!!!
Angre: Stop it Sejal!!
And they got into a new argument and the cycle continued!

Kabir and Sia were totally irritated with their continuous non-stop drama.
SiBir(Pissed): Will you both just stop your drama??
Sia: Sejal! If you didn't stop shouting in next one minute, I will actually throw you out of the car!
Sejal: What Have I done?
Angre: Is there something left to be done?
Sejal(making faces): I am feeling like vomiting!
Angre(panics): Not again!! Sejal! Be at 6 feet away from me! Dare you puke on my face again!!

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