🎇Love Beyond Limits-32🎇

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Chapter 32: "A Twisted Hunt!!"

The episode starts with Riddhima washing her face in the washroom. She was continuously sprinkling water on her face and taking long breaths to calm down. After this, she stopped and then she threw everything on the floor that was there on the shelf. She thought,
R(anger): Enough! Enough of this fear!! I am done living like this. I am done living in his fear and watching Rajveer die in front of my eyes everyday in my nightmares. Dad was right! I can't fight him like this. But this is enough now. Today, he tried to hurt Kabir and Aryan. Tomorrow, he will do something else. If he has started this war, I am going to end this.
She looked at herself in the mirror and wiped her tears,
R(fierce): No more tears! No more fears! I have to think wisely now. (Smirks) Rehaan Malhotra! You can't scare me more! I will avenge Rajveer's death from you.
She was having fierce cold eyes and full anger expressions.

Meanwhile, at some dark and deserted place, a man is seen solving Rubik's cube. He was standing in front of a wall and there were many solo pictures of Riddhima sticked to the wall. He was talking to those pictures,

Man(lusty eyes): Baby doll! You are as beautiful as before. Gorgeous and hot! So, How did it felt? Feeling me around? Feeling me close to your ears? Listening to my voice after so long? I know you will be shocked. But you know what it was just the beginning. I really wish you hadn't cheated me. You first chose Rajveer over me and now, This Vansh RaiSinghania!! You will be definitely punished! But now, You know I can't do anything. The one who dares to betray Rehaan has never lived a long peaceful life! Riddhima! Your back countdown has started. But don't worry! It will be fun! I won't give you a peceful death! You will suffer mentally, physically and emotionally every day. I will torture you so much that either you will be mine for everafter or you will go to hell for everafter!!!! I will leave no option for you except to die!!!
He calls someone and says,
R: Keep following her everywhere!
He smirks.

Its morning.

Everyone has packed their bags and were ready to leave. Riddhima and Vansh were standing to see off all of them. While hugging everyone. Riddhima hugged Aryan and said,

R(whisper): Don't tell anything to Dad! He will be worried. And Take care of everyone and yourself too. I trust you all completely.

She gives a smile and Aryan nods to assure her. Kabir in the same time hugged Vansh and asked him,

K(whisper): Please take care of her! I am not having good vibes but can't do anything against her orders. I know there is definitely something suspicious. Keep me up to date in this regard.

V(whisper): Don't worry! I am with her.

After that, everyone left and Riansh came inside the hall. They both sat on the sofa. Vansh broke the silence,

V: So, What plans you got for today?

R: I have to go to my office. I have to meet someone.

V: Why?

R: Not important for you to know.

Vansh was disappointed. Riddhima noticed it and spoke,

R: Look Vansh! I can be rude sometimes but please never ask anything about my profession. We are not allowed to discuss our plans with the civilians. If I being the chief broke my rules, then why would the officers follow them? I will tell you Whatever I think is not against the rules.

Vansh was convinced. He gives a smile to Riddhima.

R: I am going to get something as breakfast for myself. You want anything?

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