🔥Love Beyond Limits-55🔥

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Chapter 55: "I am a Woman!"

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima in each other's embrace smiling together. The crowd was hooting on them. After that, all the Raisinghanias, and guests gathered in the stadium and a beautifully decorated cake was brought. Riddhima blew the candles making wishes in her heart and cut the cake. They all enjoyed putting cream of the cake on each other's nose and cheeks. Everyone was enjoying to the fullest. Then, Riddhima went towards the media reporters who were waiting to conduct interview for a long time. She stood behind the dais and adjusting the mic according to her height, she with full confidence looked towards the reporters as if signaling them to start their questions.

The media reporters gathered around her and started taking her interview. She was giving answers to most of their questions with confidence. They asked her about her relation with Ajay, Rajveer and about her journey. They asked about RaiSinghanias and the bondings. They also questioned her marital status but she gave them a satisfying reply with full confidence. The reporters also took interviews of RaiSinghanias. And then, one of the reporter asked her about her relation with Vansh and he said,

"You are the widow of Major. Rajveer Randhawa! And Here, you have accepted the proposal of Mr. Vansh RaiSinghania. Don't you think its really inauspicious for a family?

R(raising her eyebrow): I don't get it! What exactly are you calling inauspicious?

Reporter: Your relationship! Don't mind my words Ma'am! But its a really bad omen in our society to marry a widow!

Reporter 2: And moreover, we have also got the news that you were in a relationship with Mr. Vansh RaiSinghania 7 years ago and then, you broke up with him and married Mr. Rajveer. What was the reason again that you came back to Mr. Vansh? Was it money that brought you back or was it love that destroyed your maried life?

Riddhima was silent. Volcanoes were erupting inside her listening to the questions of the reporters but she was calm from outside to not create any scene. She had not even opened her mouth to answer the question when another question was smashed on her face regarding her personal life.

Reporter 3: According to our findings, Mr. Rajveer Randhawa was going to be the Chief of Military Intelligence and then he died just few days before being crowned. And then, you joined intelligence right after his death and now standing on his position. Was it all planned?

Enough of these useless questions. Riddhima was feeling disgusted at reporters talking shit about her personal life so openly in front of her. Their mouths needed to be shut. She gave the most deadliest glares to the reporters before replying their queries. With fierceness in her eyes and calmness on her face, she spoke,

"(To 1st reporter) If I am not wrong, you are Mr. Harish? Right? The same media person whose wife had accused him of domestic violence? Isn't it?

His colour faded. And riddhima smirked.

"Oh I am really sorry if I pressed a weak nerve of yours or reminded you of some haunted memories. But Mr. Harish! Let me tell you one thing. There is nothing such as good or bad omen in the world. Its just the toxic thinking of a person that decides an event. Being a widow is not inauspicious at all, atleast not for me. And for your information, in my life, only my will and choice matters to me. Not of some cheap criticising society. People like you always keep roaming here and there putting their nose all the time in other's affairs and this is the thing, I called the most inauspicious, abhorrent and toxic. Rajveer is the most beautiful part of my life so, (pointing finger at him) Don't you ever dare to spit something shitty out of your mouth about him. I don't care whatever news you spread about me but No one....(loud)...I repeat no one has got the right to interfere in my personal life and infact, in any person's life. (To 2nd reporter) And you! What you were saying? Was it love or was it money? (Sarcastically chuckles) Whatever it was! Who are you to ask it? I don't give a damn what you are thinking right now! Whether I love someone or marry someone, whether I cheat someone or Break up with him, ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! So, stop your cheap middle class bullshit thinking! You have nothing to do with my life! I am a Woman and I am proud of the way I am! Being a woman requires a lot of guts and courage! If you had that then either you would have been a woman or a man who respects the woman. But I can see that you are none of these both (Sarcastically) God knew well what you deserve! So, better focus on your own crumpled world and try to put some sense in your head. If you had any sense then you would not have been standing at this position asking cheap questions. I have not given permission to anyone to question about my personal life. I know all these efforts are just for the useless ratings you want on your channel so, as far as your ratings are concerned.....Let me give you a top five star ratings......keep your cameras focused!

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