🎇Love Beyond Limits-41🎇

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Chapter 41: "A Deadly Chase!!!"

The episode starts with Riddhima and Vansh putting their luggage back into the car and preparaing to leave. Aditya was also preparing to leave for his work. But from inside, he was waiting for Vansh and Riddhima to leave.

R: Aditya! Don't be late Ok? Complete your work ASAP and reach Mumbai.
A: Yeah sure! Have a safe journey guys!
Aditya searched something in his pockets.
V: What are you searching for?
A: I think I have left my car keys in the room I was sleeping last night.
Vansh remembers seeing Aditya coming out with the car keys in his hands. He spoke,
V: It was with you when you came out. Look properly. It will be in your pocket.
A(covering up): Oh No no! They are my house keys. Car keys will be in the room only.
Vansh gets confused but ignores it.
R: We are getting late Vansh!
V: Yeah sure! Lets go.
R: Aditya! You get the keys from the room and then ask the guards to lock the mansion.
A: Ok Riddhima!
After that, Vansh and Riddhima leaves for Mumbai. As soon as they were gone, Aditya went inside the mansion and instead of going to his room, he went in to Riddhima's room. He opened her cupboard and searched for something. After searching for a while, he got a box out of the cupboard.
A(smirks): Found it!
The box had a display screen on its top which was demanding for fingerprints. He removes out a transparent sheet from his pockets which seems to be imprinted with someone's fingerprints. He placed that sheet on the display box and the box opened. He smirks evilly.
A: Welldone Aditya!
He remembers how he had taken Riddhima's fingerprints from the coffee cup in which she had drunk coffee last night.
He opened the box and took some papers from it. Those were the property papers of Riddhima's Mansion and it also had the papers of all the property Riddhima had including her hospitals and other stuff.
A(smirks): Just one step away from being the owner of the property worth 100 crores. This mansion will be mine soon.
He also took other papers saying,
A: Thanks Riddhima! I will take these hospital property papers and all your belongings as a bonus for my hardwork and intelligence. Now, I just have to get them signed by Riddhima.

He took all the papers and leaves from the Mansion.

The scene shifts To Riddhima and Vansh in the car driving on the highway. Riddhima was driving the car as Vansh still had pain in his arms injured by bullet shot and Vansh was continuously persuading her to let him drive.
V: Riddhima! Let me drive Yar! I let you drive when we are going to Delhi so now its my turn.
R: Shut up Vansh! From the past one hour, you are eating up my brain with the same thing. Your wound is not perfectly healed alright till now.
V: Its absolutely fine. I can drive. Its not even paining.
Riddhima while driving, pierced her index finger of left hand in his wound, Vansh cries out,
V: Owwwww!
R: Look! Its still paining! Just stop being stubborn and sit quietly.
V: Is this the way to treat patients? Do you check their injuries like this? You are so cruel.
R: Thanks! But the stubborn patients like you need the special treatment of this kind only.
Vansh makes a face.
R: Why are you so hell bent on driving by your own self?
V: Because I am getting bored sitting idle in this place. You are driving so I dont want to divert your attention and there is no one except you in this car to whom I can talk with.
R: Arrange some online bussiness meeting but please stop eating up my brain.
V: Riddhima! I swear I am going to snatch the steering from your hand and start driving!
R: And how will you do that?
V: By sitting in your laps!
He smirks. Riddhima eyes widened in surprise and she glares Vansh with mixed angry, shy and cute expressions.
They both were having eye lock. Soon, The car passes over some nails and the tyre gets punctured. Riddhima stops the car.
R: Oh shit! Obviously! How can this be possible that Vansh RaiSinghania is travelling with me and I dont face any problem.
V: The same I can say too.
R: Go change the tyre.
V: Why would I? You punctured it because of your good for nothing driving. Change it yourself.
R(making a face): Fine! Just keep quiet here.
She was about to open the car door when from the back some people sitting on their bikes and some in the car appear on the highway and start firing on Riddhima's car. Vansh shouted,
V: Don't open the door!!!
Riddhima immediately closes the door and closes all the windows too.
The bikers and Cars were approaching close to their car. They were continuously firing but the car being bullet proof was able to bear the impact. Riddhima thought for a while and looked at Vansh. Vansh understood her glares and put on his seat belts.
V: Drive!!! Now!!!
Riddhima immediately puts on the engine of their punctured car and the car, stumbling and jerking starts running on the road.
Riddhima presses the accelerator with full force and Vansh started loading his gun with bullets. Their car was running with full speed but creating high bumps and jolts as it was punctured. The goons were continuously firing and chasing them.
R: Vansh! There are two shot gun under your seat. Load them both too and you know what you have to do then.
V: Ok!
Riddhima was driving rashly but with extreme perfect skills handling all the jolts skillfully. But the speed of their car was still less than the goon's car speed and they were approaching close. Vansh loaded both the guns and took both of them one in each hand and when he was done, he said,
V: Do it now!
Riddhima presses a button of her car and the roof window of the car opens. Vansh stood up in the car, making half his body come out of the car and started shooting the goons with guns in both hands while Riddhima was focused on driving. Vansh shot the tyre of one car and it gets turned over and blasts immediately. He shoots some bike riders too making them fall from their bikes. They managed to be at some distance away from the goons. One of the bike came very close to their car but Vansh was not able to shoot him as the bullets in his gun ended. He sits again in the car to reload the gun. The bikers holding gun in their hand approaches the car from Riddhima's side. He was driving very close to the door of driving seat. He was about to shoot when Riddhima suddenly opens the door of her running car with a jerk and the door hits the biker and they fall on the road far away. Riddhim smirks but her victory was momentous as a wide pit came in the row making their car to flip with a jerk. Riddhima shouted,
R: Jump!!!
And in no time, Vansh and Riddhima jumped out of the car and got saved luckily. Their car after getting some jolts and flipping blasted a distance away from them. It created high black smokey clouds of fire rising above in the sky. Riddhima and Vansh got up.

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