🎇Love Beyond Limits-28🎇

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Chapter 28: "Let's go to Delhi!"

The episode starts with everyone coming out of VR Mansion with their mini luggage bags. Aryan and Kabir were putting everyone's luggage in the back dickey of the the car. Riddhima hired an 8 seater Black Toyotta Innova so that they all could travel in one car.

Riddhima sat at the driving seat and waited for others to come. Before anyone could occupy the passenger seat beside Riddhima, Vansh immediately sat on that one. The seating arrangement was Riddhima and Vansh in front seats. Angre, Sejal and Sia in third row. Kabir in the second row at the window side. Two seats were left behind. One is the middle one in second row and the other was window seat in the same row. Aryan and Ishani were standing outside the car and staring each other in a cunning manner. Vansh asked,
V: Now what are you both waiting for?
Aryan: For Ishani to sit.
Ishani: I am waiting for him to sit.
K: When did you become such a gentleman, Aryan?
Sia: Oho Kabir! Can't you see? They are both waiting for the other to sit because both of them want to sit at the window side.
Angre: God!!! Not again!
Aryan: Ishani! Ladies First. You go inside.
Ishani: I will sit at the window side. You go first.
Aryan: No! You go first.
Ishani: Aryan! Sit in the middle with your friend.
Aryan: What made you think that I will sit in the middle? Am I a kid?
Ishani: You got any doubt in that? Obviously, you are a kid with your brain in your toes.
Aryan: Where is your brain then? I don't think its even worthy of residing in your toes.
Ishani: Shut up Aryan!
Aryan: You shut up!
Ishani: Stupid!
Aryan: Arrogant.
Ishani: Idiot!
Aryan: Useless!!
Everyone(shouted): Oh God!! Stop it!!!
Riddhima(pissed):Can't you both do something without fighting?
V(smirks): Look Who's talking!!!

Riddhima gives him angry glares. Before Riddhima could reply, Kabir spoke,

K: Oh please! Now, Don't start both of you too!

Ishani: Aryan! Stop your non-sense and sit in the car.

Aryan(looking confusingly on the floor): Ishani! Look. What is that fallen on the ground?

Ishani: Where?

Ishani looked on the floor as if finding something. Aryan found it the right opportunity and pushed her inside the car and then sat on the window sit dragging her in the middle.

Ishani: What the hell!!! Cheater! What was there on the ground?

Aryan: Your brain!!!

Everyone laughs. Ishani makes a face.

Ishani(angry): I will sue you!! You just wait and watch!!

Riddhima starts the car and the journey starts.

Meanwhile, At Delhi airport, A flight is seen landing. From the arrival terminal of the airport, A man was seen coming. He was wearing a Navy blue three piece suit with glasses. He seemed to be a rich man. He had a smirk on his face and had a mysterious aura. He came out of the airport, dragging his suitcase. A man (his driver) was waiting for him outside. He came running to him and grabbed his suitcase and started walking. The man sat down in the car and called someone.

Voice: Yeah! I have landed in Delhi! You get ready with all the arrangements before I reach there.

He cut the call and smirks saying,

Voice: Be ready Riddhima Shah! Because Aditya Randhawa is now back in the town!

The scene shift again to the car in which all Riddhima along with Raisinghanias was going to Delhi. Everyone was busy in their cell phones. Sia was bored so, she broke the silence saying,

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