❤Love Beyond Limits-52❤

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Chapter 52: "A normal day at VR Mansion"

The episode starts with the rising sun in the morning. It was the next day. Everyone had spent a jolly good time on the breakfast table as it happened after so much time that they had no worries and problems to think about.

Everyone was sitting in the big hall of the VR Mansion. They were all busy doing one thing or the other. Ajay find it the right moment to speak,

Ajay: Well everyone! I have an announcement to make. So, please be attentive.

Everyone got attentive.

Ajay: You all know well what special event we have tomorrow. Right?

Everyone looked towards Riddhima excitedly but Riddhima seemed to be least interested. She just avoided their gazez and said,
R: Dad! Its not any special event. Its just a simple day. Please! I don't want any kind of big plannings, parties or surprises. Just keep it simple.

Ishani: Oh come on Riddhima! I go crazy whenever its my birthday. Infact, I started preparing myself a week before. And look at you!
R: But!....ishani I don't celebrate my birthday. Sometimes, I don't even remember the date.
Sia(shocked): What? We were planning to surprise you but then we thought you would figure it out. So, we didn't. It means you had no idea about tomorrow.
Rid: No I had an idea about it as you all were behavig so excited and suspicious since yesterday.
Sejal: Come on Riddhima! You used to be so excited for your birthdays. Don't say you have not been celebrating you birthday too for all these years.
Rid: I did celebrated my birthdays but not like that. It used to be simple. I used to get up in the morning, did morning aarti and then I used to go to orphange and spent my whole day there.
Angre: So, you celebrated your birthday with them? The kids used to give so many surprises to you right?
Rid: No! They never knew its my birthday. I used to go there randomly. Actually, (slight glossy eyes) I used to live alone so, when its the day of my birthday, I used to miss you all so much and...It used to become so hard for me to stay alone in the house that day. So, I just spent my whole day with the kids so that I don't miss you all so much. But at the end of the day, My day used to become special when Dad sent me a gift with lovely cards.i used to wait for that gift all day and when it used to arrive, my birthday got completed. So, I never celebrated it in that grand way and I don't want it to be celebrated that way. Its just a simple day and your wishes and your love is everything for me. I don't want anything more.

Everyone was quiet. They knew well that in all these years, Riddhima had not just left them or sacrificed her realations. She had really sacrificed her life and all its happiness. This made them emotional. Riddhima noticed everyone's expression and spoke,

Rid(smiles): Oh come on! Whenever I tell you something about myself, you all become sad. Those days are a part of my life, I can't deny them but the focus should be on present na and we are all together happy today. When I can remember those memories with a happy face, then why are you all posing to be guilty? Its no one's fault. Its life! And I have no regrets how my life was some years ago. Because my content, my happiness is much more bigger than the hardships of those days. (Chuckles) So, stop it all of you! Look at your faces! As if you have received my death news!!!

Everyone: Just shut up!

R(stunned): Aa...I think it was a really bad joke!

Ajay(scolding her): Shut up! Not a word more Riddhima! Whenever we think of some celebration, you start throwing your tantrums. This time I am not taking No as an answer. Stop behaving like a child. You are not a 2 years old who keep ranting all day, "I don't want to go Mumbai" "I don't want to play holi" and now again!! I have decided everything and you are not allowed to give your opinion this time.

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