❤Love beyond Limits-54❤

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Hey everyone! How are you all? Toady, I was confused what to name the chapter. Whether I should call it "The Oath Ceremony", "The Birthday Surprise " or "The Proposal Surprise". I was confused so, I named it as below as you all were waiting for it.

Chapter 54: "The Most Awaited Day"

The episode starts with the next day. Everyone was ready for the official oath ceremony of Riddhima. Vansh, Angre, Sejal, Sia, Ishani and Dadi were standing in the hall waiting for others to come. The girls have wore formal dresses as it was a public event with army, media and also there was so many surprises for Riddhima. They all were looking extremely graceful and elegant. Vansh was ready in his black attire lloking the most handsome and dashing. They all were waiting impatiently for Riddhima, Ajay, Kabir and Aryan. Soon, Ajay with KarYan were seen descending down the stairs. All three of them were in their Army uniform walking downstairs with pride in their eyes. Sia and Ishani's eyes were stuck on the boys. Sia was totally into Kabir but teh case of Ishani was different. For the first time, she had noticed Aryan and with her stunned looks, Anyone can become sure that she was totally impressed by his dashing personality and hot looks which she had noticed for the very first time. Dadi and Vansh were having proud in their eyes looking at Ajay in is uniform. When they reached downstairs, Dadi with proud teary eyes turn by turn kissed at the foreheads of the three and blessed them.
Dadi: My three handsome sons!!!
Karyan: Actually, Ajay sir comes in the senior category. He is an uncle in front of us right now. We are the cool boys.
Everyone chuckles.
Dadi: Not at all. What's in the age? Right now, my son looks more handsome than you both. Isn't it Sia, Sejal and Ishani? What about you Vansh?
Sejal: Of course Dadi! They all look handsome.
Angre: What about me then?
Sejal(posing to be innocent): What about you?
Angre: How do I look Sejal? I don't think you are noticing me.
Sejal: Why would I notice you? You think I have no other work?
Everyone chuckles and Angre's jaws dropped.
Angre: I am your husband to be Sejal!
Sejal(Sarcastically): Husband to be! Look whose talking!
Angre: What?
Sejal: You Don't have guts to ask for my hand but you are so desperate for getting a compliment. You look fine.
Angre: Just fine?
Sejal: No! Infact you look.......
Dadi: Offo! These kids and their arguments. Stop both of you.
Aryan was about to speak but Dadi stopped him,
Dadi: Specially you Aryan and Ishani! I am warning you both. If I see you fighting today, I am going to lock you both in a room. So better behave well.

Kabir looks at Sia and winks at which Sia blushes. Aryan looks at the stunned Ishani and raises his eyebrow. Ishani immediately started looking in other direction to avoid his gazes. Vansh was checking time on his wrist watch continuously and then looked upstairs. Ajay noticed it and said,
Ajay: She is not coming with us.
V: What? Why? Its her ceremony. Why isn't she coming. Why she has to be stubborn always?
Ajay(smiles): Relax Vansh! I didn't say that she is not coming to the event. I just said that she is not coming with us. Actually, she wanted to go to the temple before coming to the venue. She said that she wanted to spend some tiem there before taking a new oath in her life. She informed me and I agreed too because in this way, we will get time to give a final look to all the arrangements before she arrives. You know well that there are many surprises for her today.
V: And I want everything to be perfect! When will she come?
Ajay: She said that she will be on time. She had already left early in the morning! She is really punctual. Don't worry. Let's go!
V: Does she know about the venue?
Ajay: Yeah I told her. She was asking me that why we have choosen the stadium as the venue as it is very huge place for the SMALL event. But she has no idea what we have in store for her. I just convinced her that I selected that venue for security purpose as many officials are coming there.
V: Let's go. We will get late otherwise.

After this, they all left for the stadium. When they entered the stadium, there was a huge crowd of people there which included the civilians, media reporters, army officials , successfull businessmen and many highly skilled doctors. The ground was beautifully decorated with a big stage. Tables and chairs were placed all around the stage and a red carpeted pathways was made from the enterance towards the stage. There was hustle and bustle everywhere. The media reporters were setting there cameras at the place specifically arranged for the press conference away from the stage. Many civilians who were interested to enjoy the ceremony were taking their seats in the crowd sitting area. Vansh was moving from table to table and all the organizer to double check the arrangement. There were many posters of Riddhima placed at random places. The stadium was illuminated with bright white lights and at one corner, there were many gifts placed which were brought by visitors for Riddhima. The drum beaters were practicing their special military tune to be played during the ceremony. It was a oerfectly organized event. The Raisinghanias settle down in the front rows. Ajay, Kabir and Aryan joined other military official. Ajay introduced KarYan to every senior official. Media reporters were all busy taking interviews of every guest either its a doctor, businessman or Military officer. Soon Riddhima called Ajay and informed him that she is reaching in 10 minutes. This was a cue for all of them. Everyone settled at their place. The army officers gathered at the sides of the red carpet standing side by side in a line. Vansh went to the stage to join Ajay who was at the moment standing their as the chief. The one who is going to pass on his designation of Chief to Riddhima.

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