🎇Love Beyond Limits-22🎇

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Chapter 22: " The Relation of the Heart"

The epsiode starts with everyone shocked to the core listening to Ajay's words, except Riddhima, Aryan and Kabir.

Dadi: Riddhima is an army chief?
Sejal: Riddhima you?
Everyone was staring Riddhima being extremely shocked. Ajay continued,
A: Whatever she did in the past 6 years was done on my saying! Including that incident because of which you all hate her today. She had stolen that 50 crores on my saying! And I did that for saving you all from the big scandal hidden in the sources of that amount.
Ishani: I am not able to get anything? What scandal?
Sejal: You said that Riddhima is your successor. That means your were the previous Army Intelligence chief?
Sia: But you were a businessman. Right?
Vansh: What are you trying to say Dad? I want to know everything.
Ajay: Before I start narrating everything, I want you all to know one thing. That Riddhima!! Was always innocent. No one will ever dare to bash her again!! Not even you Vansh!!! She had already borne alot of your words. I don't want anyone to bad mouth about my Riddhima! She is my DAUGHTER!! MY PRIDE!! (Looking at Riddhima) Right?
Riddhima was not paying attention to anyone's words. She didn't want to. She had not courage to remember everything once again! She didn't want anyone to now understand her situation when they didn't understand the time when she wanted them to. She was least interested now to know what the others think about her. She was in her deep thoughts when sejal called her out.
Sejal: Riddhima!!
Her voice did echoed in Riddhima's ear but she didn't reacted!
Ajay: Riddhima!!!
She came out of her thoughts.
R: Yeah! (Looking here and there) Aaa.. Dad!! I think I should go now. Everything is sorted. Its not my place to stay anymore. You enjoy your family time. And call me whenever you are free.
Ajay: But...
R: Bye Dad!!
She turned to leave but someone grabbed her by her wrist. She craned her neck to find Vansh holding her wrist. She looked in his eyes that has for the first time, request and concern in his eyes,
V: Nothing is sorted yet Riddhima! It won't sort out without you!
Even after so many years but his one requesting gaze was enough for her to step back. Even she didn't want to know why. She just knew that escape was not possible right now. She nodded and stood at her place. Ajay smiled a little but inside he knew the state of Riddhima right now. Vansh looked at Ajay and spoke,
V: Dad! I can't wait anymore.
Ajay: Yes Vansh! I am going to tell, just wanted Riddhima to accompany me in telling everything.
Before everyone again turn to Riddhima, she spoke,
R(stern): I will join you Dad. You start speaking.
Ajay: So,....

" As you all know now, that I was the previous military chief, Riddhima's predecessor! I joined this profession many years ago. But there is a rule in our intelligence department. That is we can't tell about our profession, our identity and our missions to anyone. In the start, I was handling both. My job as an intelligence officer and my business of VR Enterprises. But the business always belonged to Vansh. Time was passing very fast. My daughters grew up and My Vansh came back from London completing his business degree. At that time, I had been promoted to the designation of "Chief". Big designation means big challenges. Dangerous missions and worst enemies. I was getting worried for the safety of my family. But soldiers never back of from their duties nor do they escape. I neither wanted to put my family in danger nor I could back off from my duty. I was scared of the thought that what would happen to my family If I die. So, I decided that I should hand over all the business to Vansh so, that If I die one day or accept martyrdom some day then My family should not suffer anything. And Vansh was also handling everything with extreme maturity, responsibility and professionalism. I was so satisfied that now I can fight till death without any worries. But the fate was not in my hands. One day, we got the news about an extremely dangerous and most wanted criminal, "Devraj Singh Rathore". The underground mafia of Spain who wanted his empire to expand in India. We got the orders to find him and get him arrested. But there were no signs of him. We were not able to find anything about him. But his resources were so strong that he got to know about our mission against him. We were in our secret hideout when someone planted bombs in our hideout. The bomb blasted and all my colleagues and companions died!! Luckily, I and one other soldier got saved. We escaped from there. I came back to my home but as soon as I came back, I got to know that they aslo killed the other soldier who had survived the bomb blast as soon as they got to know that he survived. They even killed his family brutally. I was so scared that day. For the first time, I became extremely worried. I thought the whole night about the next move. Because I knew soon they will kill me too. I was chief so It was a little difficult to reach me but not impossible. I don't wanted my family to suffer. That night I decided!!! I decided that I will fake my death. So that, they could know that now no enemy is left behind. In this, I would be able to protect you all from them and I won't let go any of the sacrifices of my brave soldier in waste. I decided that I will go deep in the roots of this mafia system and will root out the name of "Devraj Singh Rathore" from India. For this, I completely destroyed my identity. I proved myself to be dead in the plane crash. I remained hidden for a week. In that time, I became sure that after my death news, DSR had stopped searching for me and my family. I became sure that my family is safe now. Then, I rose up again with another identity. "Manish Raichand!" He was a normal civilian who died in that plane crash. But through my resources, I made his bod being identified as Ajay RaiSinghania and took his identity. I became Manish Raichand! With only one mission! DEVRAJ SINGH RATHORE!!! "

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