🔥Love Beyond Limits-58🔥

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Mrs. D'Souza enters the mansion in an extreme bad condition and pleads Riddhima to save her daughter, Annie. Vansh had a doubt that Annie is the same girl but soon the doubt is cleared as Riddhima shows him Annie's picture. The only common thing between both were that they were from Dehradun. The girl got kidnapped again from the hospital after a deadly encounter. Riansh decides to go to Dehradun in search of Annie and shifting the wedding venue there too. They convince Kabir to let them stay in their uncle's farm house for which Kabir was first hesitant but then agrees. The main problem was created by Aryan who for some unknown reason denied going to Dehradun!!

Chapter 58: "IshaYan"

The episode starts with Aryan sitting on his bed in extreme rage. Riddhima and Kabir were banging his room's door vigorously. Everyone had gathered outside his room.

R(serious): Aryan! For God sake! Open the door.
K(serious): Aryan! Please stop it! Listen to us for once!

Aryan's voice comes from inside.

Riddhima and Kabir stopped banging and were too much worried.
R: He is in so much anger right now. He can do anything to himself. Kabir! You know his anger well. If he stays locked like this, then he.....
V(confused): But what happened to him all of a sudden?
I(tensed): He was fine a while ago but....
Ang: Why doesn't he want to go to Dehradun? What's the matter?
Sia: Kabir! Have you both had a fight?
K: No way Sia! (Hesitating) Its because....
Ish(banging the door): Aryan! If you didn't open the door in next one minute, I am ......Vansh bhai and Kabir are going to break the door. (Banging it being tired) Please open it yar! What happened to you!........(Determined) Okay fine! You don't want to come out! Let me in then! If you didn't open the door in next one minute, I am going to bring a hammer to break it and you know I mean it! You know well how stubborn I am! I can do even the worse Aryan! Please Aryan! Open the door for my sake!

Everyone was noticing Ishani's concern towards Aryan. Ishani was about to knock the door once again when Aryan unlocked the door from inside but he neither open it nor spoke anything. Ishani understood it to be a cue for her to come in. She slightly opened the door to go in not before giving an assuring smile to Riddhima. It surprised everyone.
Sia(To sejal in whisper): Are you thinking the same what I am thinking?
Sejal(whispering back): Yeah! They both remain at loggerheads always. Strange! (Smirking) Is it.....
Sia(happy): Of course It is!
They high fived each other but then stopped looking at other's What-the-hell expressions.
Ajay: I think its high time I send you both to some mental asylum. The more your wedding date is coming near, the more mad you both are getting.

Riansh, Angre and Kabir also understood what the both girls were thinking and in the tense situation, it made them smile a little too. Riddhima said,

"I think we should leave Aryan for sometime. He will not listen to anyone at this moment. He will be better soon. I just hope Ishani's efforts bear some fruits"

Everyone smiled and nodded. Leaving both of them for soemtime, they went to the hall.

Meanwhile, Ishani enters the room hesitating a little and sees Aryan sitting at the edge of the bed facing his back towards Ishani. She did not speak anything and slowly goes towards Aryan and sits beside him on the bed. Aryan was in extreme rage and breathing heavily. He didn't even look at her. She gets up and pours water in the glass. She forwards it to him and acting a little rude, says,

"Take it!"

"I don't want this!"

"Don't show your attitude to me! It can make everyone worried but not me. Drink this water silently or I have my own ways!"

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