Let's fall in love for the night

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Let's not talk about the delay in me updating this story. But hey better late than never right? 
Anyway let's get right into it.  Big shout out to Tara for helping me with a few pieces!

"Luke come on you can drive a little faster" Vic kept tapping on her phone hoping Andy would pick up or even call back at this point. "You don't think it'll be too bad do you?" He asked. "Bad?! Babe they're both clearly still in love with each other, yeah sure they're both going on dates but only to distract them from their thoughts and who they actually want to be with. This is gonna go one of two ways, either they both continue with their dates, equally trying to make the other person jealous, or it all blows up and one of them storms off.. my money being on Andy for that." She took a deep breath as she ran her hands over her face.  "Eggy calm down the world isn't ending if they see each other maybe its a good thing" He responded calm.  "A GOOD THING"  She looked at him confused "Why would you say that?" Vic asked.  "I know Sully still has feelings for her" Luke let out a sigh "While we were boxing he told me about some  dreams he has had about her. That he is afraid that he can never move on while he is still this attached to her. Maybe seeing her with another man will help him truly try and move on without the hope of them getting back together." Luke explained while driving to the bar as fast as he could. Which we all know wasnt fast enough for Vic. "It might,  you know i'm 99% sure Andy still has feelings too. The night after she became captain i saw them talking and it looked like something was still there. After that she kept ignoring me and even tried to walk away when we asked about what happend to Surrera."   "Surrera?" Luke asked confused. "Yeah, you know it was way too long to call them Sullivan and Herrera or Andy and Robert so Travis and i made a ship name for them Surrera." Luke started laughing "Sully must love that" He said sarcastic knowing how much Robert hated nicknames. "He didn't but that isnt the point. Now stop talking and drive faster. I'm not ready to find out what would happen if they see each other so please just hurry!" 

Robert was already at the bar waiting on his date. He is the guy who is always on time for everything. In his case that usually meant to be there at least 10 minutes before any appointment including his date. Looking down at his watch  8:15 he started tapping his foot nervously after taking a seat at the little corner booth. Since his sobriety he never had a drink again. He came close a few times but Richard always came popping into his mind before he did. His voice saying that it would be a slippery slope to start drinking again has kept him from ruining his sobriety. But tonight, he could use a little liquid courage to calm his nerves a bit. Robert always looked like the calmness himself he learned that in his years in the military. Never show your weakness or nerves it makes you an easy target. He hasn't been on a date in years. The last date was even before he got his captaincy and moved to Seattle where he met Andy 'No Robert don't think of her not tonight you're divorced' he cursed in his own mind. Even that date wasn't a set up by his coworker but was a woman from a dating app so he knew how she looked and could skip the awkward first talk.  Robert ordered a club soda and looked down at his watch. 8:20. how the hell did only 5 minutes pass. He looked up and was caught by a beautifull woman smiling friendly at him while walking over. 

"You must be Robert?" He stood up and shook her hand. "i am, i'm so sorry Ben didn't tell me your name." "I'm Karen. Ben might not have told you my name but damn he also didn't tell me you are that handsome" Karen flirted. "Is that so?" Robert smirked at her "What did he tell you?" To be honest he was kind off curious how his coworker would describe him. "He told me that you're the strong silent type with a lot of humor and one of the best firefighters he has worked with. both proffesional and personal that you are a tough guy with a big heart underneath that hot body and i should find out the rest on our date. So here i am" She sat down  "I doubt Ben would've said anything about my hot body"  Robert started laughing  "True but i like to call it how i see it" She moved a little closer. "Can i offer you a drink?" Robert asked while getting the attention of the waiter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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