Ch. 5

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     THE FOLLOWING DAY Y/N WAS TRANSMITTED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL, and was told to be on bed rest until her head stops hurting and the same goes for her nose

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THE FOLLOWING DAY Y/N WAS TRANSMITTED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL, and was told to be on bed rest until her head stops hurting and the same goes for her nose.

Be that as it may, instead she went back to work. Shoto was sent an email from the clinic that Y/n would be on bed rest until she's all healed and better, but also received another email that Y/n had checked in today.

This had to be some mistake. Maybe a glitch on the system. Or the hospital didn't tell Y/n she had to be on bed rest. In any case, curiosity was taking the better of him as he went to check on the off chance that she was truly in her office.

Once he arrives at her entryway, he knocks prior to letting himself in, seeing Y/n working away. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?" He addressed, letting himself incline against the door.

"Yes sir. In any case, I feel completely fine and would just squander time getting these files done." She answers, with to some degree complete genuineness. Her scent still harms, but it isn't anything she couldn't handle.

Once Y/n turn her head to get back to work, Shoto activates his fire quirk at his fingertip, lightening the candle that sat next to the entryway. Instantly, from what he anticipated, Y/n face scrunched up as she brought her hand to cover her nose from the smell.

"Just as I anticipated, your solid sense of scent is still bothering you." He picked up the candle, blowing out the fire. "I guarantee you, sir, it's nothing I cannot handle." She consoled him once again, only to have him closing the entryway, prior to strolling up to her work area.

"You work for me, which implies you are doing as I tell you. In the event that I tell you to go home you'd do as I say and go home." Y/n's ears turn back, level against his head from the tone of voice.

"S-sir, I promise you, I'm fine-"

"bend over"

Y/n's eyes extended as Shoto was motioning her to remain up. Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She was stunned. This couldn't truly be happening

She thought that him and the front desk woman just had their inside jokes to tell Shoto's assistants so they would remain on task.

"That's fifteen now. Bend over or I'll need to include more." Shoto talked, knocking Y/n out of her thoughts. "S-sir, this couldn't be happening right-" "Now it's twenty. Do you wish for me to add more?"

Y/n hesitate prior to staying up, making her way before Shoto. He bent her over at the conclusion of the table; Y/n letting out a shrink from how forceful he was.

All of a sudden, Y/n's hand flew to her face to cover her eyes as she felt Shoto lifting up her dress. Thank god she didn't choose to go commando today. Be that as it may, her choice in underwear didn't help her either, since it was see-through.

Shoto wasn't the sort to gaze at a woman's body, since it would have appeared disrespectful to do so. In any case, his heterochromia eyes and his movements appear to have a diverse plan.

His hand, self-consciously started to rub up and down her ass, letting his pointer finger slip though the top of her underwear every so often.

Y/n just lay there strangely as Shoto was caressing her ass. She moves around just a tad for being in a position for too long. In any case, that appears to thump Shoto out of his trance, as he lands the first, hard smack against one of her ass cheeks.

Y/n let out a cry from being caught off guard; feeling the sting dance all over the cheek Shoto just smacked. In any case, it kind of felted....good. Y/n nearly overlooked how it felt getting her ass smack.

Bakugo used to do this sort of activity with Y/n when the two of them used to date, and in some cases when the two of them crossed ways. Nevertheless, it's been awhile since all of that happened, up until now.

The following couple of slaps came surging down on her; a tear falling down her face, but at that point he in the long run slowed down, much to Y/n help. Yet, however, the final five slaps hurted as hell. Without a doubt there was bruising in that region now.

Shoto took a step back, somewhat admiring his work. Like he kind of claimed her in a way. A grin crawled up to his face as he went to go fix Y/n dress; helping her back to her feet.

Y/n didn't even glance at Shoto, before getting all of her possessions, prior to speeding out the entryway. Shoto attempted to catch up to her, to see if she was doing okay and to see if she required a ride back to her apartment. In any case, he was too late when Y/n stepped into the lift.

Shoto sighs to himself, pressing the button of the lift to head back to his office. Hoping he doesn't get a letter of resignation from her.

 Hoping he doesn't get a letter of resignation from her

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