Ch. 8

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TODOROKI DIDN'T SEE TO NOTICE HOW DISTANT Y/N BECAME EVER SINCE SHE STARTED WORKING AGAIN. The time he finally noticed how distant she was is when he asks her to get her a cup of coffee.

When Y/n came into his office to deliver his coffee, Todoroki noticed how she kept her head low, and gave him his coffee without saying a word prior to leaving his office.

As Todoroki observed Y/n, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of concern. It had been quite some time since she started working again, and her once radiant smile now seemed to be fading. Despite his attempts to engage her in conversation, Y/n appeared lost in her thoughts, and he could sense an invisible barrier growing between them.

It didn't make any sense to him. Even though their bond isn't as strong since he's a hero and is always on duty, but he is sure he didn't do anything that would make Y/n grow distant from him.

One day, unable to ignore the distance any longer, Todoroki mustered the courage to have a heart-to-heart with Y/n. He call Y/n office number saying, but sounded demanding, to meet him at the park around his agency.

Y/n tried to deny his request multiple times, but failed when Todoroki brought up that she was his assistant and should listen to what he says and ask for.

Y/n threw on her sweater and started to leave the building. Meeting Todoroki at the entrance, they began to walk with each other to the park.

They sat together in a peaceful park, surrounded by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the city. Todoroki gently took her hand in his, seeking to provide comfort and support.

"Y/n," he began softly, "I've noticed that things have been different between us lately. Is there something on your mind that you'd like to share?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment, but the warmth of Todoroki's hand reassured her. With a sigh, she opened up about her apartment, the relationship problems, and the overwhelming responsibilities that had consumed her life. She admitted that she had been trying to shield him from her troubles, fearing that her problems would burden him.

Todoroki listened intently, his caring gaze never leaving her. "Y/n, you don't have to face everything alone," he said gently. "I'm here for you, through the good times and the bad. We're a team, remember?"

Touched by his unwavering support, Y/n felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I just didn't want to burden you with my issues," she admitted, her voice quivering.

As Todoroki held Y/n's hand tightly, he felt a sense of urgency to bridge the gap between them. He didn't know what came over him. But just as Y/n was about to share more about her troubles, a loud noise erupted from the nearby bushes, startling them both.

Before they could react, a group of masked figures emerged, surrounding them with menacing expressions. Todoroki instinctively stepped in front of Y/n to shield her, but it was clear they were outnumbered.

One of the masked figures spoke in a cold, menacing tone. "The number three hero, Shoto, it seems you've been sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

Confused and concerned, Todoroki demanded to know what they wanted. The masked figure only smirked, revealing their dark intentions.

"Let's just say there are people who don't want you to be the hero you are," the masked figure taunted. "We have ways of making sure you step aside and let us take control."

Y/n clung to Todoroki's arm, her heart pounding with fear and worry. Her tail wrapped around her legs, and her ears were down. She knew that her problems were nothing compared to the danger they now faced together.

As the tense standoff continued, Todoroki and Y/n braced themselves for what was to come. The masked figures continued to circle Todoroki and Y/n, their sinister intentions clear in their glares. Todoroki tightened his grip on Y/n's hand, silently reassuring her that they would face this together.

The leader of the masked group took a step forward, a cruel smile forming on their lips. "You're quite the hero, Shoto, but we've done our homework," they sneered. "Your weakness is your compassion. And it seems we've found the perfect way to exploit it."

Y/n's heart raced as she felt a sense of impending danger. She knew they needed to act quickly to get out of this situation alive. "What do you want from us?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

The masked figure's smile widened, savoring the fear they were instilling. "We want the number three hero to take a little break from being a hero," they said mockingly. "We would have taken down the number one and two heroes, but you seem more easier to target."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, determination replacing his concern. "We won't let you harm anyone," he declared firmly. "You'll have to get through me first."

With that, the masked figures attacked. Todoroki swiftly used his Quirk to create ice barriers to protect himself and Y/n. He knew that they needed a plan to escape and call for backup.

Y/n, drawing on her own abilities, used her claws to somehow create distractions, giving Todoroki some breathing room. He fought back fiercely, using every tactic he knew, but the masked figures were relentless.

Amidst the chaos, Todoroki and Y/n found themselves separated. The masked figures managed to surround Y/n, overpowering her with their numbers. Todoroki fought with all his might to get to her, but it seemed impossible.

In a split second, one of the masked figures threw a device at Y/n, emitting a blinding flash of light. When the light subsided, Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

Todoroki's heart sank as he realized that Y/n had been taken. His focus intensified, his powers flaring as he launched a furious counterattack on the masked figures. He demanded answers about Y/n's whereabouts, but they only laughed in response.

"We've got what we came for," the leader gloated. "And now, you're all alone, hero."

Filled with a mix of anger and worry, Todoroki's resolve grew even stronger. He wouldn't rest until he found Y/n and brought her back safely.

Summoning his ice and fire powers, Todoroki unleashed a massive blast that created a temporary barrier between him and the masked figures. Seizing the opportunity, he quickly activated his communication device and called for backup.

Within moments, heroes from his agency arrived, joining the fight against the masked figures. Together, they managed to overpower and apprehend the villains, but there was still no sign of Y/n.

As the situation was brought under control, Todoroki vowed to himself that he would find Y/n and bring her back, no matter the cost. He would track down every lead, search every inch of the city if he had to.

 He would track down every lead, search every inch of the city if he had to

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