Ch. 4

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     SHOTO PACED BACK AND FORTH WITHIN THE WAITING ROOM OF THE HOSPITAL, waiting for any feedback on Y/n well being

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     SHOTO PACED BACK AND FORTH WITHIN THE WAITING ROOM OF THE HOSPITAL, waiting for any feedback on Y/n well being. It's been an hour since he was here and he still didn't hear anything on how she's doing.

Midoriya attempted to calm him down and to sit down, but once he saw more specialists and veterinarians went into Y/n room, he just got back up and begun to pace back and forward once again.

The only individual who was permitted to go in Y/n room was Bakugo, since on Y/n records she had for the specialists to permit Bakugo to be within the room as one of her guests. He doesn't even know why in spite of the fact that. Were they related or something? He'll have to ask at some point afterward about that.

Holding up longer and longer; it was night time when Bakugo at long last cleared out her room. Shoto bounced off his seat and went to confront him. "How is she?" He inquired straight away. "She's going to live, which implies you get to live another day. She just needs rest and she'll be back on her feet in two days. Now, go home." He motioned his hand to the exit.

Shoto looked at the exit at that point looks back at Bakugo. "What about you?" He addressed, tilting his head to the side in confusion. "I'm staying, dumbass. Go home." He motioned to the exit more forcefully. "Why is that?" He addressed him once more, not making any movement on leaving.

Before Bakugo was aiming to tell him to fuck off, Midoriya beat him to it. "Oh! Kacchan and L/n used to date back in highschool. She was in the department of General Instruction, class C. They were so close that L/n even included him to the guest list at whatever point she's within the hospital. Sadly they broke up when L/n chosen to go to a different school for her final year of highschool."

Once Midoriya looked over back at Bakugo he rapidly went behind Shoto to stow away from his furious gaze as Midoriya recalls he said as well much almost his ex. "You think I wanted him to know that, Deku?!" He hollered, only for some of medical attendants to tell him to calm down since they are in a hospital.

Now Shoto knows why Bakugo is permitted within the room and not him (and why he continuously ate at the rooftop back in highschool), but it doesn't appear reasonable in a way. Shoto is Y/n obligation, not Bakugo any longer. She works for Shoto not him, so he doesn't appear to get it why he can't just see her at least once to check up on how she's doing.

"Yet, she still works for me, so I ought to at least see her at least once, only to see how she's doing." He told him, in a direct tone like always. Bakugo protested, running his hand through his hair. He isn't going to drop this subject unless he's permitted to see Y/n.

"You can see her tomorrow for as long as you fucking need, but let her rest today." He arranged, some time recently, making his way back to Y/n room. Shoto sighs, as he goes to seize his possessions before making his way out the hospital entryways with Midoriya.

Shoto wishes him goodnight, as Midoriya did the same as Shoto got into his car. He rested his head on the car steering wheel reviewing everything that happened prior today. How could he let one of his workers get harmed so terrible they had to end up within the hospital?

He's going to make a few calls tomorrow to upgrade his security so no lowlifes are able to get into the building. The thing is, he still needs to know how she was able to get in if her quirk has nothing to do with technology. Was she not working alone, or is there a villain he doesn't know about in his building? He's too have to check out all of his co-workers with tech related quirks as well.

God this is so stressful for him.

He hit his head against the steering wheel, letting out a grunt before starting the car and driving off to his home.

He hit his head against the steering wheel, letting out a grunt before starting the car and driving off to his home

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Once Shoto got prepared for the day, he went straight to the hospital. Once he enters through the twofold doors, he checks in with the woman at the front desk prior to heading to Y/n room.

He thumps on her door before walking in, still seeing her resting. He strolled up to the chair that was beside her bed, plopping himself down as he looked at her.

Thank god she wasn't harmed so much. She just has a gauze wrap around her head, and the same goes for her nose.

He reaches up for her cat ears, feeling that he should consolation her in some way. Shoto knows that cats cherish it once you scratch their ear, and since she's part cat it might do the same for her.

He scratched her behind her ear, cherishing the delicate surface of her cat ears. A delicate grin dances across his lips, before it instantly drops when Y/n moves her head closer to his hand.

"L/n?" He questioned, almost in a whispering tone. "Don't stop..... feels nice...." She asked, before she started to purr from his touch. "I'll continue once I know how you are feeling." He told her, bringing his hand back to his lap.

Y/n whine, opening her eyes to see Shoto soft, warm smile. "Yeah I'm fine. My head hurts a bit and my nose hurts from the smell around this room." She responded, closing her eyes, bringing her cat ears up. "Now scratch, please..."

Shoto brought his hand back to her ear, as she began to purr once again. "Are you able to turn into a cat?" He questioned out of the ordinary. Y/n squinted her eyes open before smoke began to surround her body.

Shoto moved his hand away, as the smoke started to clear up to uncover a (h/c) cat sitting on the bed. She hopped onto his lap which startled him, but he brought his hand to her back as he started to scratch back and forth.

"My apologies this happened to you..."



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