Chapter Nine

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"This line needs to move, for God's sake!"

I have been standing in the queue for the past ten minutes and it seems to me as if the people in front of me just do not want to budge.

There are just far toomany people in the shop today who had done far toomuch shopping, I conclude.

After another five minutes, I am out of the door with my bags in hand.


"Finally. I thought that you had gone to the farm itself to milk the cows," Harry says grumpily as I enter.

"The line was just too big."

"Look, I'm running late for my part-time. You'll be alright, now?"

"Of course! Go. Work awesome." I say, smiling.

"Okay, thanks. Take care of the pup."

Handing me Bloom, he ruffles my hair and goes out.

I lock the door and look down at her.

"Just you and me now, eh?" I say to her as I put her down on the kitchen counter.

I make my way to the fridge to put all the groceries inside. Just then, I hear the loud screech of tyres outside on the driveway.

I rush to the window. To my utter horror, it was my mum.

Dear lord!

I quickly take Bloom in my arms and rush down to the basement. I put her in the farthest corner and just as I turn around, she starts whimpering slowly.

"Hush.. hush.. It's okay. I'll be back. Soon. I'm not going to leave you. Be quite, dear. Please?" I tell her as I pat her.

Seems like she understood me because as I turn back towards the stairs, she doesn't make one sound.

"Good girl."

I close the door and make my way to the door where my mum was knocking impatiently. I open the door and-

"What took you so long? I have standing here for ages."

I'm pretty sure it wasn't even twominutes. But instead of retorting bachallway, 're back a bit earlytoday." I ask her silently hoping that maybe, just maybe, she wanted to spend some time with me.

"An urgent meeting has come up in Chicago. I need to catch my plane in two hours."


"Oh. How long will you be there?" I ask her, hoping that I had successful in masking my obviously disappointed voice.

Making her way to her room, she answered me "We'll be away for three days."


"Dad's going to go too. He'll meet me in the airport."


I stood there in the hallway, wondering how long it's going to take her to be outof this house.

Within a few minutes, she has both of their bags ready. Giving me a rushed kiss, she goes out.

Just as she was about to start the engine of her office car, she sticks her head out.

"Be careful."

"Yeah. Sure, mum." I reply back with a forced half-smile.

She starts the engine and I shut the door. It has alwaysbeen like this. My parents going to office tours without even botheing about me.


Letting out a drop of tear, I make my way down to the basement to bring out Bloom. I had just swung open the door when my phone starts to ring.



Higuys! ConsideringI'veneverwrittenanauthor'snoteforthisstory, IthoughtitwashightimethatIbuckleduptheseatbelt and wrote youone. :D

Ijustwanttothankeachandeveryoneofyouwhohastakenoutthetimetoreadthis. Iknowthechaptersaresupershortandtheupdatesareextremelysporadic. Buteventhen, youhavestuckwiththisstory. SoAMASSIVETHANKYOUUU!!! :D

Thisstoryhasnearly 1K readswhichbafflesmebecausewhenIstartedthis, Ididn'teventhinkthatthiswouldget 50 reads. So thank youSOOOOOO much foreachandeveryread, voteand comment. Honestly, wheneverIgetanynewnotificationofacommentoravote, Ijumpupinjoy! (Ikidyounot!)

Therehasbeensooomanyofyouwhohaveaddedmystorytotheirreadinglist. SoTHANKYOUforthattoo! :*

Andlastly, thereisonlyonechapterleft. Soif there is anyone ofyou who hasnotvotedforanypreviouschapter, Ihopethatyou'llgobackandvoteforthem. Pwease? *puppydogface*

Again, THANKYOU! Iloveyouall!


PS IjusthadtoattachthatscreenshotofGreg. WimpyKidisjustsofunny!! Lookathisexpression!! Hahahhha!!

PPSAny "Sherlock" fansoutthere? IhavebeenhavingSherlockrerunsandIamindireneedtofangirl! SoifanyonewantstohaveaSherlockedfangirlingsessionwithme, hitmeupwithaPMandwe'llhaveahearttoheartanalysisofeverythingSherlock! :D

PPPSIhaven'tproofreadthissoifanygrammaticalmistakes, dopointthem!

Dedicated to @katerina__xx for having made me amazing covers for my other works. xx.

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