Chapter 33

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I stood there at the door for a matter of minutes, My sister, My sister who I haven't seen for sixteen years standing in front of me. I swallowed hard before saying anything. But I couldn't I was lost for words. I don't know if I should be in a mood with her or be happy to see her. To either slap her, Hug her or slam the door in her face. My best option was to just stay where I was, just staring at her.

"Don't be too happy to see me then, Little sis" She said sarcastically, she the same all Maria for sure. Always reminding me that I her little sister even though I taller than her and probably more responsible.

"I.. I .. Don't know what to say" I stuttered. I slowly turned to look at German, He had planned this all. I knew that's why he was so eager to invite Maria.

"How about a hug then?" She smiled before flinging her arms around my neck. She still worn the same perfume as she did before she went to France. It still felt like when we were teenagers. We used to be so close. That was before Diego came in to the picture.

Diego is my sisters boyfriend and has been even since she was nineteen. When Maria turned twenty she found out she was pregnant with Diego's child. At the time Me, My mum and My dad weren't the biggest fans of Diego. He never came to the house to speak to me or my parents. So on her twentieth birthday Maria told me that she was expecting a little girl. But it was a secret and not to tell my parents. Maria and Diego then told my parents that they both found jobs in France which was a totally lie.

Maria moving away made me hate Diego even more so I decided never to reply to my sisters messages and after a few months she gave up trying to contact me.

"Mum, Dad told me to come to you when he is parking the ..." The young girl stood dead in her tracks when she noticed that Maria was hugging me.

"Ahhh, Violetta" Maria started, "This is your aunt, Angie" I was shocked at how much Violetta looked like Maria. They were a spitting image of each other except for the eyes. She had dark eyes like Diego.

"Hello Violetta" I smiled, still amazed how much her and Maria looked alike.

"Hi Angie" She said shyly. Before coming closer to where me and her mother stood.

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