It's Only January

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I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me. -AG

It was 3 AM on New Years' Eve Day, and Czarina sat in her living room editing photos from her latest shoot. She had many late nights between a full-time job as a product photographer, starting a photography business, and maintaining a Youtube page. But to Rina, it would all be worth it when she and Alaric, her boyfriend, would be able to buy a house.

Rina smiled as she looked over to see AP fast asleep cuddled up with their two Pitbull mixes and their new Blue Russian kitten, a gift from him for Christmas

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Rina smiled as she looked over to see AP fast asleep cuddled up with their two Pitbull mixes and their new Blue Russian kitten, a gift from him for Christmas. Their vertical blinds were open enough that she could see outside their apartment to the building across the street and then the dark sky. CNN's 24-hour broadcast played quietly in the background as Rina found herself getting lost in thought until something the anchor said caught her attention.

"In recent news, it has been leaked that President Vladimir Putin is thinking about invading Ukraine, viewing them as a threat to their national security. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been much unrest within the Russian people, dissatisfied with Putin's rule and response to Covid."

"Did that just say Putin wants to invade Ukraine?" AP whispered in a husky voice.

"Yeah, it did. Unrest means the start of planning a coup. Should I be concerned about you?" Rina asked, knowing that Alaric was enlisted in the Marine reserves. An active war could mean they would give him orders.

"What do we always say? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. For now, we just focus on ourselves and doing what we love every day. Now let's go to bed. It's supposed to be nice enough to take the dogs for a hike," he smiled slowly, taking her laptop out of her hands, "Now go get in bed while I take Baer and Daciana to the bathroom."

"Thank you, baby. I'll put Edana in her bed while you're gone" Rina smiled, kissing her boyfriend.

Rina's bedside table had three closed-in sides, and the front was open, so they had thought to put Edana's bed on the lower shelf so that she was right next to their bed. Daciana being to older of the two Pits, had her bed in front of the full-length mirror they used for photos and videos. Baer's bed lay right next to the bedroom door so that if someone broke in, they would meet the former military service dog.

 Baer's bed lay right next to the bedroom door so that if someone broke in, they would meet the former military service dog

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