It's My Wedding Day

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Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be again.

It was the morning of their wedding, and Czarina and Alaric woke up in separate beds. Al was across the street while Rina was in their home for the last night. As Czarina stretched in bed, excited for the day, she could smell her mom cooking breakfast. Glancing at the clock on her side table, Rina knew that the women would be starting the prep for dinner that night. Rina slipped out of bed and into a thick robe before going downstairs to eat before showering.

"Why am I not surprised that y'all have the doors open when it's 50 degrees out?" Rina chuckled, finding their mothers and grandmothers in the kitchen.

"It's keeping the rest of the house at a nice temperature," Lani, AP's aunt, smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Rina asked since Lani had just beaten cancer for the third time.

"Grateful to be here to see you kids tie the knot," she grinned, kissing Rina's cheek.

"I know Al feels the same way about having both of his moms here today," Rina replied, "Keep us updated on any doctor visits. I'm paying for anything related to your health."

"I see why my son fell in love with you" Anthea smiled, hearing the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Rina asked as Faye and Galene finally came down the stairs.

"You're selfless and would do anything to take care of those around you" Anthea smiled, getting a proud nod from Rina's mom and grandmothers.

"How are you feeling?" Rina's grandmother on her dad's side, Tally asked, sliding her a plate of eggs and bacon.

"It's my wedding day" Rina smiled excitedly.

"That's how I felt marrying your dad" Guinevere smiled at her daughter.

Across the Street

"Morning, Randal," AP smiled, hugging his father-in-law

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"Morning, Randal," AP smiled, hugging his father-in-law.

"Is Kaleo still asleep?" Randal asked, absolutely in love with his first grandson.

"Yeah, Iris said he was too excited last night and didn't get to sleep until almost midnight," Al chuckled, "She'll bring him over once he's awake."

"Alright, it's 7 AM right now. The tent arrives at 10, along with the tables and chairs. Rina wants the ceremony to start by 5:40 tonight to be in time for sunset." Alyosha spoke, entering the house after checking on the women across the street, "You guys need to eat, and then I'll need help picking up the flowers in an hour."

"I'll go with you," Finigan, Rina's older brother, spoke up, "We don't have near the amount of hair that AP's family have to get styled."

"I'll go too," Adan, Rina's younger brother, smiled, "Can't have our sister walking down the aisle without flowers."

Tsar Czarina Alena Stepanov (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now