Not What I Thought You'd Say

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Be the energy you want to attract.

After quickly sending the girls the information on their flight and getting questioning confirmations from her best friends, Rina sat heavily on her barstool. Czarina still hadn't fully processed everything as Al slid a bowl of pasta over to her, bringing Rina out of her thoughts.

"Penny, for your thoughts?" AP asked, leaning on the counter next to Czarina.

"It's a Kopeck in Russia. I'm about to become the ruler of an entire country. Doesn't that sound fake to you?" Czarina whispered in disbelief.

"Isn't that the fun of it?" he smiled, getting a small one from Czarina.

"It feels like a crazy dream. Like I'm going to wake up on the couch in our apartment in Phoenix, and it was just a crazy dream," she admitted looking up at him nervously.

"Because it is a crazy dream, you get to control what that looks like. You just happen to better a country along the way." Al smiled.

Czarina shook her head in amusement as she started digging into her dinner, just wanting to enjoy this last regular night before everything turned upside down in the morning. AP sat down with his bowl, seeing that Rina was truly worried about doing a good job and just wanted to take her mind off everything for the night. While Rina was still lost in thought, Al finished his food and snuck out to the backyard to start a fire on the beach for them.

 While Rina was still lost in thought, Al finished his food and snuck out to the backyard to start a fire on the beach for them

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"Huh?" Rina asked in confusion, "Where are we going?"

"Our safe place" he smiled as they walked around the pool, and Rina saw the bonfire.

"I'm going to miss this," she sighed as they nestled into the blankets Al had quickly set up for them on a pool raft.

"We'll find a new way to do this" AP smiled, kissing the top of Rina's head.

"I'm nervous about us not being married before I'm crowned. What if your rights and Al's rights aren't protected enough because of it?" Rina asked, sitting up suddenly.

"Then why don't we get married?" AP grinned, pulling a box out from under the raft, "I asked Aloysha before they left to pick up your family as well."

"Are you serious?" Rina asked with tears in her eyes.

"Czarina Alena Stepanov, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Al asked in Russian, kneeling in front of Rina.

"Oh my god, you're serious!" Rina exclaimed when he opened the box, "Yes! Of course!"

AP chuckled a little at Rina's reaction and slid the 2-carat emerald engagement ring onto her slender ring finger, kissing Rina's freckled ivory skin just above the rose gold band. Rina giggled as Al stood, picking her up in the process. As long as she had her partner-in-crime with her, Czarina knew she could handle this new stressful and crazy journey. Now she just had to find a dress.

Tsar Czarina Alena Stepanov (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now