Unappreciated Anonymity

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She refused to let it break her. She faced tragedy, she felt pain, and it only made her stronger. -R.H. Sin

The breakfast alarm for the dogs started going off from Alaric's phone, waking the pair up at 5 AM. Rina stretched, causing her shoulder to pop, and then hopped up to turn off the alarm. She quickly pulled on warm pants and her coat since it was about 43° F outside and put the dogs on the double-lead.

Within ten minutes, Czarina was back, and Alaric had put little nibbles of food in their bowls since they needed to eat, but their whole portion could lead to them getting sick in the car

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Within ten minutes, Czarina was back, and Alaric had put little nibbles of food in their bowls since they needed to eat, but their whole portion could lead to them getting sick in the car. Rina and Al were excited because this would be their first trip with Edana, so they would see if she could handle traveling early on.

"Good morning, Moya Lyubov" AP smiled, calling Rina 'my love' in Russian.

"Oh, are we speaking Russian today, Alaric Peyton?" Rina asked back in Russian.

"If you want to. I need to practice my Russian and Norwegian, so I don't lose it. I love impressing your mom's mom by speaking in her native tongue," AP smirked.

"Did I tell you that over Christmas, she said that my grandpa, her late husband, was Russian royalty before their revolution in the 20s? Marete said she thinks they were like a low lord or something," she commented as they threw together weekend bags since they always had travel kits ready for the pets.

"That's really interesting. How are you feeling about what is going on then?" Al asked, pulling the pet bags down.

"Oddly, really upset about how Putin has been running the country during the pandemic. I hope what they are saying about the unrest is true because that means they will finally remove him from power." Rina sighed, "Men like Putin and Trump are the reason that the global tension continues to increase. Now Biden is being blamed for Trump's mess. It's just heartbreaking."

"Hopefully, you're right, but that it doesn't lead to the U.N. and NATO entering into the fight. I don't think your great-grandparents people expected to get an absolute psycho like Putin for twenty years" Al chuckled at the end.

"You are right about that," Rina laughed, grabbing their bags since Maris had the fur babies and their bags.

Alaric quickly put the pets and their stuff in the truck turned it on to get the heat going so that he could help Czarina with the bags once she had locked the front door. Just as Czarina turned to grab the bags after putting the house keys in her backpack, Alaric grabbed the rest of the bags. He walked back down to the truck with a smirk as a pouting Czarina followed after him.

 He walked back down to the truck with a smirk as a pouting Czarina followed after him

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Tsar Czarina Alena Stepanov (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now