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♢ Besties! I am so excited to share this story ♢
I love this movie and Billy and Stu are
*chefs kiss*

Before we jump into this story there are a couple things I want to go over ...

♢ I will post at least once a week but I tend to post more frequently. I hope to have this book done quickly so fingers crossed I will post more often than not.

♢ There will be two more books following the events of Scream 2 and Scream 3. If you are like me and love Stu Macher my Scream 2 fic will be your story. I will add an additional OC for Stu in that book.

♢ I try to edit as I go but I make mistakes all the time so feel free to comment if I make any mistakes.

Sexual Themes/ Smut
Gore, Violence, Murder, Death
Mentions of SA and Self Harm
Depression and Anxiety
A Very UnhealthyRelationship
Drugs and Alcohol abuse/ use

**Let it be known, This story is dark. This is not a redemption arc but rather a villain origin story. **

Please, please, please take care of yourselves. Mental health is way more important than this story SO Only read if you are comfortable.

This will be the ONLY TW. I will only put a header warning for sexual content and the beginning of chapters.

I do not own these characters, Ghostface,  or Scream, the only parts that are mine are my OCs and some extra plot points.

Alright I think that's everything, now let me introduce myself...

Hi! I'm Savannah I'm 23 and have been writing since I was 15. My first story and fanfiction were a Vampire Diaries Fanfic. Since then I've written lots of different stories from scripts, to my fiction, to fanfiction. I have a very active imagination so when I find stories I love, I tend to make the world grow in my head. I am going to Uni for Creative Writing and Film so this is my biggest passion. I hope you like this spooky story, have fun and let me know your thoughts 👻🔪

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much love,

Starring Role || Billy Loomis x OCWhere stories live. Discover now