Twenty Three

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"Are you done packing?" Ava asks me as I close Claire's suitcase. I nod at her and then focus back on Claire.

"We are going to continue our roadtrip. We are going to visit a magical place." I tell her and her eyes grow big with excitement.

"Will there be unicorns?" She asks me and I chuckle at her words.

"I am sure there are some unicorns left in the forests of Valhireya. As soon as things fall back into place, I will take you to see them." I tell her and she claps her hands and then hugs me. I feel like crying. Fear curls into my soul as I think about Viktor. He could find her and take her away from me. He probably remembers she exists, by now. What he doesn't realize is that the game has changed. I will do anything for her. I will kill him with my bare hands.

I kiss the top of her head and then take her hand. After all this is over, I will tell her that I am her mother and finally get to watch her grow. I have missed so many years and I'll be damned if I miss another second.

"Let's go, baby!" I tell her as and she takes my hand and we walk towards the living area. Everyone is waiting for us already. She takes Cades hand as well and it takes all my strength to not crumble down in that moment. We are finally a family. All of us are. I contain my tears and smile at Cade and he rewards me with one of his breathtaking smiles. Emotions rampage my mind, making me feel even more afraid. I close my eyes and feel the shift starting. As I become a sorceress again, I focus on opening the portal to Valhireya. Soon, I hear the crack happening as the Human Realm canvas breaks and the portal opens. When I open my eyes I see Ava walking through with Jan.

"Are you ready for the new adventure?" I ask Claire.

"Let's go!" She says and we all step forward.

The suffocating heat hits my skin. Summers are always the worst here. Combined with the narrow streets that smell like herbs, food and dust, it makes for a dizzying atmosphere.

Cade looks at the Great Park with wondering eyes while Claire is more focused on the castle. Guards soon appear around us.

"Princess Idalia, welcome back!" They say and it feels like I can literally hear Cade's jaw drop to the floor. He looks at me with utter shock.

"General Hector, it's good to see you again!" I say as he salutes me.

"The king sent us to escort you safely to the castle." He says.

"Lead the way!" I tell him and we all start walking along the main street that ends at the castle's door. I take a deep breath as I walk inside. Finally home.


"Father!" She says and runs and hugs the king. The queen joins their embrace as tears run down her face. What the Hell is going on here? She is the freakin' daughter of King Luca and Queen Rhea. How could she not tell me that? This complicates everything! I try to search through my memories with her but I can't find anything related to this.

"I would like you to meet Cade and Claire." She tells them and I take a step forward with Claire holding my hand. King Luca gets on his knee and takes Claire's hand. A small blue sparkle tingles her palm as he kisses her small knuckles.

"The pleasure is all mine!" He says and then shakes my hand. The way he looks at me and then at Claire. He knows. He knows she is his granddaughter.

"You must be tired!" The queen says as I kiss her hand. Then she too gets on her knees and takes Claire's hand and the same blue sparkle make her giggle. The queen smiles sweetly as she looks at Claire and then at Ida.

"You must be feeling very hot. How about we get some icecream?" She says and Claire gives her a toothed smile.

We all walk to a side room that has a big rectangular table in the center of it. King Luca and Queen Rhea take a seat at each end, Ida sitting next to her father.

The icecream appears in front of Claire making her jump with joy.

"Your Majesty, maybe it is best I take Claire to her room?" Ava says and stands up, followed by Jan.

"Give her the room next to Ida." The queen tells her and they all dissappear through a side door.

"I am very glad that you are back!" Queen Rhea tells Ida and she frowns.

"I wanted to come back the minute you sent us away." Ida tells her and looks at her father with a blank face.

The door bursts open and a petite woman with silver hair walks in with a beaming smile on her face.

"I heard my niece was back!" She says and Ida stands and hugs her. A flash of silver crosses the woman's eyes and tears fall down her cheeks as her hands touch Ida's hair.

"My dear!" She says as she looks at Ida as if she had seen a ghost.

"Please, aunt Luna. Let me tell them!" She says and I frown. What is going on here? The silver haired woman then comes to me and raises her hand to salute me.

"Cade! A pleasure!" I tell her as I take her hand in mine. In that moment, I feel all my memories being scrambled in my head and see them dance in front of my eyes. Like someone is making me forcefully relive them. Then I look at the woman and at her silver eyes and everything makes sense. She is a Reader.

"Oh, my!" Is all she says as she looks at me.

"This is a mess!"

October and April (Bk 2 Of The Valhireya Series)-rewriting Where stories live. Discover now