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Class was finally over, meaning everyone was finally dismissed. You came here to hang out with your classmates, but you definitely bit more than you could chew. Just seeing and hearing Sensei was enough to distract you from your initial objective. You needed to be alone again, so you silently left the room without a word.

"Y/n?" Nobara frowned, looking around the room after class. "Where the hell did she go? I wanted to go shopping today!"

Megumi shrugged, which only prompted Nobara to look at Gojo-Sensei. "Did you see where she went?"

He most definitely did. He'd been keeping an eye on you this whole time, including when you silently slipped out. For your sake he shrugged. It wasn't his place to let Nobara know if you wanted to be alone.

Shaking him out of your head was all you could focus on as you made your way back to your room. Just... don't think about him, don't think about him - but it was pretty difficult when you were, in fact, thinking about not thinking of him.

Agh, that idiot! Why did he... why did you? As the questions built up in your head, you could only think of one thing. Him. Why do you give him so much power over you, why can't you just think for yourself for a change?! How did he mess you up this badly? Is it because you...

You were seconds from opening your door before you were interrupted by a familiar figure.

"Miss Y/n," Naoya was quick to call to you, which froze you in your spot. Naoya Zen'in? Senpai doesn't like him, so you-

No. No you won't dismiss him. In fact, you will treat him with UTMOST respect.

"Zen'in-san," you bowed momentarily before looking back up. "I don't believe we have met."

"Likewise," Naoya nodded, looking over you cautiously. This made you uncomfortable, but you tried not to show it. You couldn't trust Senpai's opinion on Naoya, so you will form your own. "Unfortunately Satoru got in the way earlier, but you've been summoned to go on a mission with me tonight. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you too much."

"No, not at all!" you waved your hands frantically. "If I was summoned there's not much else I can say. I can't say I'm too strong, but I'll try my best!"

"Oh that's not a worry at all," Naoya chuckled. "I don't need someone strong. It'll be an overnight trip, so you might need to pack some spare clothes."

You nodded. "I'll pull something together quickly. Do you want me to meet you anywhere in particular, Zen'in-san?"

"In front of the school is fine," Naoya smiled. "I have a driver from the Zen'in clan waiting for us both. When you're ready we will depart."

You nodded.

After watching Naoya walk off, you went into your room. So you were going on this mission after all? Your gut was telling you there was something suspicious going on, but you tried to shake off the thought. You wouldn't normally go off with someone without checking with Yaga first but the circumstances were different. This was completely out of spite, and it felt liberating.

With a backpack full of clothes, you made your way out to the front of the school to see a black car. Was this the car Naoya was talking about? You took a few steps closer before your suspicions would be confirmed.

"Y/n-chan," A figure smiled, as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Naoya's hand. "Are you ready to go?"

"Y-yeah," you hesitated. Since when did Naoya get here? Nevertheless, he dragged you into the car without much dialogue. Looking back to the school, you caught a quick glimpse of Megumi before the door closed indefinitely and the driver drove off. How urgent was this mission? Well, if Sensei got in the way earlier, it's only natural everything would be a bit quicker than you're used to. You tried to reason it out, as Naoya decided to spark up a conversation besides you.

"It's a shame the first time we meet is for business purposes, but that's sadly how it is in this profession," Naoya sighed. "You're in first year right? I've heard a bit about your technique of course, but that's about it. Since we'll be working together, we should know a bit about eachother no?"

You nodded in agreement. That was fair. "I... I guess you know my name, my power..." you pressed your lips together. "I don't know what else you'd like to know about me, Zen'in-san."

"Hmm... your background, for starters." Naoya muttered. "What you like to do on your free time, hobbies, aspirations and all of that."

"My background?" You repeated. "I don't actually know that, Zen'in-san. I was orphaned at a young age, and since I was able to use cursed energy I was put under care of the Jujutsu Society. For what I do in my free time, nothing too special either. I guess I try to train and figure out my technique, so I'm quite boring. I want to become a Grade 2 sorcerer! But it's easier said than done."

"I see..." Naoya muttered, pressing his thumb to his chin. "Why do you want to be a grade 2 sorcerer?"

"I want to be strong!" You smiled. "I don't know what I'll face in the future, but I want to be able to protect myself. I don't have to be the strongest, but I don't want to be the weakest either."

Naoya raised his eyebrows at your remark. Was there a bit of doubt in his eyes? You couldn't really tell, but his next words would make you second guess even more. "Depending on how you do today, I may make a reccomendation," Naoya hummed.

This didn't make you happy at all. "Zen'in-san... thank you, but I don't feel ready for that yet." You lowered your head. "I'm still weak."

"Good answer," Naoya nodded. But before you could respond, you felt something vibrating in your pocket.

"Huh..?" You muttered to yourself, taking out your phone. Gojo-Sensei's calling you? That was weird. If he was calling you, maybe something happened. You were about to pick up but Naoya was quick to push your phone down.

"Wouldn't take Satoru as a guy who would call his students after hours," Naoya chuckled, pressing the decline button on your phone for you. "We're almost there. Whatever he wants can wait until after."

You were suspicious. But to give him the benefit of the doubt, you nodded your head anyways. It seemed Naoya didn't want you talking to Sensei, so you'll go along with it. He probably has his own reasons to not like him with the whole Gojo-Zen'in rivalry going on.

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