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The weekend passed rather quickly, but that could be attributed to the fact that you were passed out for most of it. Since you didn't get much proper rest, you were half asleep at your desk all day. If your eyes were any more closed you'd be no better than asleep.

"Hey Nanamin, isn't Y/n a little off today?" Haibara finally asked, resting his head on his arm as he leaned on his desk. Though you've only been his classmate for a few weeks, even the ever-oblivious Haibara was starting to notice something was up.

"This is Gojo related," Nanami rolled his eyes. He was a bit ticked off from the nickname, but was quick to get over it. "I was getting texts all of yesterday from him as his 'second-most cherished kohai.'"

"Gojo related?" The bowl cut sorcerer questioned. "Last time I heard something was Gojo-related, Utahime couldn't stand straight for days. Did he also put Y/n through some intensive training?"

Nanami pinched his eyebrows. Though Haibara's assumption was dead wrong, he somehow came around to the right conclusion. Though, the blonde wasn't exactly wanting to be in the position to explain any of it. So he nodded. "Apparently she was brought to the Gojo residence to do some extra training for the Kyoto Sister School event."

"Oh shoot, yeah!" Haibara exclaimed. "Is there even enough space? We have more students this year, so I'd expect they'd want some students to sit out."

"I'd gladly volunteer." Nanami grumbled.

"I wouldn't mind watching," Ijichi nervously butted in. "I'd just hold everyone back anyways."

You were hearing bits and pieces of the conversation, but you were fading in and out of consciousness. The bruises all on your arms and legs were nothing compared to the fight to keep your eyes open.

"Ok," your Sensei interrupted the chatter as he swiftly made his way to the front of the classroom. "We will be joining Yaga-sensei's class today to prepare for the Kyoto Sister School Event! Pack your things - we won't be returning to the classroom for the rest of today."

You groggily opened your eyes, barely absorbing the words as they came. More training...? That just made you want to barf.


"Oho, look what we have here?" Satoru smirked, eying the smaller figures as they hopped down the stairs to the training field. Trimmed grasslands surrounded by a 400m track, the second year students were waiting in the middle for your class to arrive. "Is that Nanamin my second-most cherished Kouhai? Oh and look at that, my most cherished Kouhai right behind him! Good morning sweetie~!"

You looked up at Satoru as the two classes met. If your bagged eyes weren't enough, certainly whatever inhuman grunt left your lips was plenty enough to let him know today was not the day for this type of stuff. Well no matter if it was or wasn't a good day for his antics, Satoru Gojo can't be stopped. At this point, it's proven fact that even Satoru Gojo can't even be stopped by Satoru Gojo himself.

Wrapping his hands on your shoulders, the boy brought his face close up to yours. He was staring uncomfortably close so you tried to look away. Retrospectively he was probably making sure you were ok enough for more training, but it was still something you wouldn't want him to be doing in public.

"Wait wait Nanami," Haibara whispered loudly to his best friend, "Are they dating?!?"

The long blonde haired sorcerer begrudgingly sighed. To think there was someone who didn't know the very vocal relationship between you and Satoru Gojo - but then again not everyone is his 'second most-cherished Kouhai.' As for just a sampling of some of the text messages, here are some of the ones he's received that have nearly made him reconsider why he had a phone in the first place.

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