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Satoru left for school. But with three more days to recover, you were left to your own devices on clan grounds.

The Gojo clan was quiet during the day. Most sorcerers were out on missions and the maids were hard at work, so you didn't have much company aside from a single maid assigned to help you with your recovery. But at the end of the day, you couldn't wait for Satoru to come back. Who knows - maybe Suguru or Shoko would also tag along? You felt lonely without them, but for now all you could do was wait.


What's up? Something wrong?

Something is super duper wrong.
Something so wrong, it should be illegal!


You're not hugging me right now :(.
You know how cold it is at school??
I accidentally packed my spring jacket so I'm extra cold.
I wouldn't mind it if you were here to warm me up, but you're not :(
Super duper unforgivable :((
I can't believe my soon-to-be fiancé abandoned me like this :(((

I can just bring you your jacket if it's that bad.

Really? You'd do that for me 🥺🥺
Thanks sweetie! 😘
Want me to send over a driver, or would you rather travel via Gojo Satoru's top secret high speed teleportation!

So you're telling me you can just teleport back home to grab your winter jacket yourself.

of course lol
But it's not the same without the Y/n personal touch!
It's the same with cake. Everything just feels so much better when you're around.

I love you.

Just like that, you went from being completely alone to wishing you were completely alone.

"Satoru!" You gasped, taking in a few struggled breaths as the boy crushed your windpipes in a large and tight hug.

"Y/n-chan I love you too!" He hummed back, nuzzling his cheek on you as your arms flailed around.

You had a few minutes - or what seemed to you to be hours of suffocation before you were finally let go. "Why aren't you in class?!"

"Am I not allowed to take a break to visit my sick and injured future fiancé?" Satoru frowned. "If Yaga has an issue with it, I'll go on strike! Hey, do you think Jujutsu Society should unionize? I think we'd care to benefit as a whole from some collective bargaining."

"Satoru." You sighed, closing your eyes. "Did you get in trouble for texting in class and teleport away so you couldn't be punished?"

He innocently whistled. Of course.

"You see rule one of unions: no corporal punishment." He digressed. "I think there's some future laws introduced that limits physical abuse in the classroom, and I think that's wonderful! Why should a teacher get their hands dirty when there's a perfectly good curse ready and willing to do the beating for you? And if the student fights back, that means they're ready for graduation!"

... that explains a lot.

Before he could dive too deep on the philosophy of teaching methods he'd eventually use to terrorize dozens of highschool kids, you gave him a soft hug. "Let's just grab your jacket, alright?"

"Fine fine," he sighed out dismissively. Though he tried to look disappointed you could tell he was skipping in his steps from just being able to hang out with you, no matter how little time he actually had.

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