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Your eyes lit up as you saw a small light flash on your phone screen.

It works!

It's been about 2 hours of your constant attempts to charge your cursed energy into your phone, but it seems it was working now! It was definitely more effort than just plugging it in a wall, but as you practice more and more it should be rather effortless.

"Satoru!!" You called as a smile tugged your lips wide open. "I did it!!"

While you were hard at work, the boys were playing Smash Bros: Melee. But at the sound of your excitement, Satoru quickly paused the game. He happily accepted the plunge you took into his arms, before standing up to twirl you in midair. Two large smiles coated both of your cheeks, as Suguru sat on the side with a smile of his own.

"I can't believe it works!" You hummed out, "I did it I did it I did it!!!"

Throughout his Jujutsu career, Satoru has never seen anyone this excited about manifesting cursed energy before. Maybe it's because he's always been surrounded with gifted sorcerers, but he couldn't say he hated the feeling he got from this.

He found it incredibly cute.

"My little Y/n-chan's gonna surpass me one day," Satoru chuckled, gently pressing his thumb on your lips. "See? You're getting the hang of it so fast! And to think you doubted yourself~."

"I can do this!" The foreign words left your lips quite naturally. "Satoru... I can become a sorcerer!"

The two of you celebrated your achievement a moments longer, Satoru pulling you back in a hug. You returned the sentiment of course, delicately wrapping your arms around his neck as your phone hung loosely in your hands. Sure you were thrilled that you were finally making progress as a sorcerer, but you couldn't help loving the situation you found yourself in. Having Satoru by your side at every step of the way.

"I think I get it now."

You looked at Satoru in a bit of a daze. The words came out of his mouth unexpectedly, so you couldn't help but take a step back. "What do you mean? Get what?"

Gently pulling you back into his arms, the white haired sorcerer gently rested his chin on top of your head. "Why Me-two became a teacher."

This was most certainly a comment you never expected. You never understood why Gojo-Sensei was a teacher in the first place - especially after meeting Senpai. But you couldn't say you weren't curious.

"Why's that?" You asked in a soft whisper, feeling his soft breaths gently press against the top of your head.

He took a moment to try to formulate his words, but even he was having some difficulties explaining it. "It's like when you... and you- agh, this is hard!!"

"For someone who becomes a teacher, you sure are having a difficult time explaining it," Suguru finally chimed in with a frown. "But I don't really get it either. I mean I know why I would want to be a teacher, but I wouldn't even know where to begin for you."

"You want to be a teacher too, Geto-Senpai?" You asked partially fascinated. "You'd make such a great teacher too! I bet you'd do a better job than Satoru-"

"Hey!" Satoru whined, relaxing his body weight on you. "I'm not that bad!"

"I'm not saying you're bad," you clarified, struggling to hold him up. "I'm just saying Suguru seems like he's more teacher like!"

"Seems, huh?" Suguru muttered under his breath. Though he was about to open his mouth once more, he quickly shook it off.


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