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"Y/N, FORM!"

"S-sorry!" You yelped out, "got it!"

After another day of rest in recovery, you were finally summoned by the Gojo Clan to fulfill your 'contract' obligations. Though the contract hadn't officially been processed through all the right channels, you didn't have much time before the Kyoto Sister School Exchange event and they wanted to get a head start on your training.

To your surprise, it was still happening. The decision to proceed was made at a higher level with added pressure from the top Jujutsu clans. The Kyoto Sister School event is a friendly competition at heart - but is also an event for showing off up-in-coming sorcerers in the Jujutsu space. As you will be wed to the future head of the Gojo clan, they insisted that you needed to be in top shape for the event as a reflection of their strength. It was touching to think you were basically being adopted, but it was a lot of work.

Now, you were at the Gojo Residence's pristine training hall. With a similar architectural style to the rest of the Gojo clan's facade, the room mirrored an excessively traditional wooden tatami room. Though the occasional shadow of a maid or a passerby on display for all to see as your training persisted, the minute details were lost as you were just fighting to stay focused on the man in front of you.

Delicate long white locks tied into a low pony, a bang cutting over half of his face. Wearing low waisted gray sweatpants and a basic white tank top, his slim fit build was on display rightfully contrasting your profound 'I can carry a jug of milk' muscles. In spite of his soft features were his cold, sharp yellow eyes glowing from the cool tinted hue of the room. He was reading every move you made, every breath you took - movements you didn't even realize you were making were not lost in his fixation.

But you couldn't even keep your head up.

"Is the floor really that comfortable?" The man snapped, peering over you with eerie discontempt. Even before you were assigned as his student he had a certain air about him that made you feel pathetic.

Coughing out, you tried to prop yourself up but your arms were already deathly tired. It's been about an hour since this back-and-forth began, though labeling it as a back and forth would be generous. Not even the air out of your lungs has touched this man.

"I'm trying," you tried to assert yourself, but it came out as a coarse whisper. "I... I can do this."

"No, you can't."  the man furrowed his brow. Without hesitation, he kicked you in the gut with admirable force. This was enough to push you back into the wall, leaving a permanent indent on the screen. "You left your gut wide open. You know how many times I could've killed you?"

It took too much in you to regain your breath, let alone answer his question. Though it seemed he wasn't really looking for a response, turning around with a scoff.

"Special-Grade my ass."


"The contract works as a legal basis, but you need to officially propose before the Kyoto Sister School event."

Old Gojo was seated across the table from his son in a small clan meeting room, legs crossed as he picked up a cup of jasmine tea. Swirling the liquid, he raised an eyebrow at his son who merely rolled his eyes. Puckering his lips into a frown, the young boy kept quiet. But his father's eyes never wavered from his son.

After hearing nothing, the father finally spoke up after taking a small sip from his cup. "Do you even want to marry the girl?"

"Of course I do!" Satoru slammed his fists on the table before catching his outburst. With an awkward cough, the boy sat back down in his seat and darted his gaze away. "I love her. I love her so much I can't even think straight. But I don't want clan bullshit to drag her into anything she doesn't want."

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