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It was the next day, just you and Satoru alone together. Though this occurrence was by no means rare, you guess you were just extra cautious because of the events that transpired. Who wouldn't be?

You were sitting on the couch, Satoru's arms around your waist as you were gracefully seated on his lap with your back pressed against him. His head was rested on your shoulder as the remote to the tv hung loosely from his fingertips.

"Are you getting hungry?" Satoru asked softly, his thumb turning down the volume of whatever news show was playing as he spoke.

"A little..." you admitted, gently turning your head to look him in the eyes. Your lips were mere millimetres apart from his.

"And what is it my fiancée wants to eat?" Satoru smiled, leaning in ever so closely.

But before he could get too close, you turned your head away. "Satoru, it's still too early."

"Eh? But it's almost 5:00." Satoru scratched his head. "If you're not hungry now, you'll probably be hungry by the time food's ready."

"That's not what I meant..." you frowned a little, shaking off the misconception. "I was talking about the 'fiancée' thing."

The white haired boy let off a light chuckle before placing a small gentle kiss on your cheek. "We'll be married tomorrow, so I don't see the big deal with that." It seems he was completely dismissing your protests as his hands traced up your body. "It looks like my little Y/n-chan is just choosing to be stubborn~."

You turned your cheek away from him. You still love him, that much is true. And with that comes the subtle want to marry him for the simple fact alone. So maybe you are being stubborn - but stubbornness isn't always bad. Sometimes you just need a clear head before jumping into something permanent like marriage. In the past you let your emotions overcome your reasoning, which led to some icky situations. You've learned enough from that to not make the same mistake again. "Why are you so rushed to marry me anyways? It's not like there's any benefit to jumping in head first."

Though you couldn't see him, his low rasp voice filled your eardrums from behind. "If we're fated to be together, it's better to seal the deal now then in 10 years. It'll all be the same either way, so why wait?"

"Because," you let off a soft huff of air. "There's so much that happened, and I just need some time to process it all. I don't know how comfortable I am with marriage."

"Come on," Satoru whined, pulling up your chin to meet his eye. "Are you saying you don't feel comfortable around me now?"

You were quick to shake your head. "It's not that I'm not comfortable around you... I-I promise. It's just everyone has been hiding things from me, and I'd like to have a better picture of it all before trying to make a decision you know?"

"Y/n-chan, I promise I won't hide things from you if that's what you want," Satoru stated plainly, running his fingers through your locks. "Ask away and I'll answer. You know I'd give you the world if it means you'll marry me."

You couldn't help but turn your head back towards him in awe. "Really? You mean it - you'll actually tell me everything that's going on?"

"All you have to do is ask," the boy closed his eyes pressing his forehead against yours. "What do you want to know, my love?"

It all seemed too good to be true, but you were so exhausted by the secrets and lies that you were so relieved that someone was finally going to tell you what exactly was going on. Though a part of it was just for the knowledge alone, it was also because it meant something deeper to you - that Satoru trusts you enough to tell you everything. With the higher-ups breathing down your neck 24/7 before, all they did was make you feel like a liability.

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