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You spotted a few third grades on the way. So far, you've been able to get three whole points for Tokyo! Though you couldn't help but to feel there was something off about it all. You know your path has been a little unconventional, but you haven't seen anyone or anything but third-grades this whole time. Where was everyone?

Continuing on, you looked around for any unnatural movements. But all you saw were the occasional birds or mice. It was strangely peaceful for being a high stake competition. As you kept running into more animals, you started to notice a trend. They were all scattering in the same direction. Specifically, they were running away from where you were headed.

That was never a good sign. If they were running away, that meant there was something strong over here. Was it another student? Was it a curse? You couldn't really tell, but you always had the bug Satoru gave you to fall back on. Your only job was to exorcize third grades, which seemed easy enough.

You stumbled your way into an open clearing, trees cascading in the rich afternoon light as they passed through to the open grass. It would have been beautiful, had the light illuminated anything else but...


On the lush green grass were speckles of crimson. There were spots where it was lightly sprinkled, and spots where it was smeared around to mix together with the dirt. Every single mark was brash and sporadic, and there was enough to be concerning.

Now, curses don't bleed. This meant there had to be another student around - and judging by the color it was fresh. Did your classmates already find the other Kyoto students and get tangled in a battle? Judging by the debris, there was a clear winner. As your eyes peered around to get a few more hints, you froze up as you heard the faint whispering of a voice behind you.

"Get... the fuck out of here."

A disfigured form spat, bloody and beaten down in a rough state shielded, or perhaps hiding in one of the bushes around the open grass. There was a certain toxicity in his gaze... a gaze you wish you could forget.

Naoya Zen'in.

After how well it was going, it was inevitable some misfortune would come your way. Though you knew you were going to encounter him eventually - if not now, during the one-on-one's. No matter how much you accepted this fact, you couldn't help but freeze up.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" He barked up, a few splats of blood leaving his lips pursed in a scowl. "Get out of here! This is my prey!"

Before he could finish, he got the air knocked out of his lungs as something crushed down on his back. Well, not something... but a curse. A curse so poignant you weren't sure what you should be fearing more at this moment.

To ignore Naoya, to ignore anything above a third grade, that is what Satoru wanted you to do. You've had your tries defying him in the past, but it always ended up backfiring. Maybe it was finally time to listen to your gut.

Turning around, you bolted the hell away from there. But before you could get far, something hooked onto your neck. You didn't expect this, eyes widening at the rough and unexpected sensation.

It wasn't human.


"Tsk," Naobito spat, looking away from the screen in distaste. "I taught him better than to get tossed around like that."

Naoya was the unlucky student who found the first grade curse before anyone else could. All the Clan Heads understood that this curse was too much for a first year who stormed off on his own. Despite that, it was an embarrassing display from the Zen'in clan since Naoya didn't have a single point to back his name yet. It was an unfortunate position to be in, the Gojo Clan head was almost even sorry for him if he knew Naoya wasn't a brat fully deserving to be humbled.

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