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You heard the voicemail loud and clear.

After confessing everything you learned about your past, they thought it would be best to let you get some rest. So after being assigned to your old room, you were lying on your bare mattress with your phone clenched in your hands. That's when you heard it.

You played it on repeat. Again, and again, and again- so many times your mind went numb. He's messing with you, you kept telling yourself. He's messing with you, he's messing with you - he's messing with you!


The words explosively left your lips as you threw your phone against the wall. Who was he to say those things to you?! Who was he to pretend to be so vulnerable...

... but why could you hear it?

You quickly picked your phone back up, so fast you nearly dropped it! But after it fumbled around in your grasp, you were able to secure it tight. Taking a quick glimpse of the call's time stamp, it read 2018. This would have been a few days after you 'disappeared,' too. If that's the case...

Your lip quivered as a thought crossed your mind, but you were quick to shake it off. If he's messing with you, that's exactly what he'd want you to think.

You dialled Sensei's number to get your mind off it all.


Sensei was in the middle of fighting a curse when his phone went off.

"Eh?" He raised his eyebrow, sliding his hand in his pocket. "I'm a little busy... hope it's not too important. It better not be the Zen'ins again-"

Just as his thumb hovered above the decline button, he saw the caller ID.



"Sensei?" It sounded like your call was received, but you weren't too sure. The only way to be certain was-

"Y/n!" He was quick to answer. "What... we thought you were-"

It worked!

You didn't know how long this was going to be successful or if you'd ever have this opportunity again, so you started blurting out an explanation. "Sensei, something weird happened. I think I'm in 2007. Principal Yaga is now Yaga-Sensei, Ieri-san is a student, and I met another student - Geto-Senpai!"

"Eh? So you are in the past then?" He muttered in thought. It sounded like there was something happening on the other line, like fighting or something, but Sensei seemed unbothered so you didn't think to worry about it. "But how can you-"

"I don't know," you frowned. "I figured it would be possible if..." you cleared your throat. "Nevermind." Scratching your head, you continued. "I think it's all my fault Sensei. From the very beginning, it has something to do with my cursed technique."

"Mhm," Sensei hummed on the other side of the line. He was completely unphased by your reveal.

That came at a surprise to you. "Sensei? Did you already know this?"

"We've only gotten that far on our end," Sensei confirmed. "That you're a missing child from the 1990's, and that you probably did something related to your cursed technique. We haven't been able to figure it out entirely since we'd need you here to do that. It doesn't help that you being able to call me adds another layer on the mystery."

Closing his eyes, he continued. "Your cursed technique probably has something to do with time manipulation - no, it definitely does. From you finding my younger counterpart, the curse in Shinjuku, your disappearance in 1994, and even now with this call. I'd believe it's similar to limitless, but since you've never been properly guided you've been using it incorrectly."

TIMELESS | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now