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"Because it wasn't challenging enough last year, we've made a few adjustments." Yaga-sensei's voice echoed through the nature reserve as it crackled over the speaker system. Waiting for the games to begin, the students were separated by school. All the Tokyo students were thrown to the west, while all of the Kyoto students were lodged to the east. Though this gave everyone a good distance to warm up before they'd inevitably face each other, the students were too far for Yaga to speak directly to you all. So, for any important announcements Yaga will be addressing students in this way.

Not to say you expected anything different. You had a sneaking suspicion these were the exact same speakers used when you were still in Gojo-Sensei's class!

"For one, the second grade curse has been upgraded to a first grade." Your sensei continued. "And all of the other curses have been elevated to a minimum of low-third. Though this makes this first event more challenging, I have faith that you all will be able to succeed with flying colors."

Since you were waiting with the other Tokyo students, you were only able to see the mixed reactions of your fellow classmates. Suguru, for one, was licking his lips at the sound of stronger curses to add to his arsenal. But the less established sorcerers were equivocally unsettled.

Sure you've trained a lot, but not with curses. The only real opportunity you had to exorcize something was back in the future through Gojo-Sensei's spontaneous field trips, but Yuji Nobara and Megumi typically handled it. Were you really ready to do this on your own?

As you got lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice a familiar silhouette approaching you.

"Y/n." Satoru crouched beside you as he whispered in your ear. This was enough of a jump scare to snap you back into reality, shooting your gaze to him in an awkward mix of panic and relief.

"Don't face anything higher than a third grade." He continued. "If you find anything strong, run and call for me. Same with if you run into any Kyoto students. Run the other way and find me."

You nodded. Though, you don't know how that would work out. Looking out to the forest in front of you, there was a lot going on. If Satoru was close, you might be able to yell loud enough to grab his attention. But if you both were too far apart, your calls could be easily muffled by the trees.

"I thought you were worried about me doing too well," you nervously chuckled, trying to ease off some of the tension.

"I am," he confirmed, which helped you out a little. "That's why I want you to stick with the third grades and keep away from the others. Anything more and you'll draw eyes."

Noticing you were still kind of nervous, the boy let off a soft chuckle, straightening his back into a long stretch. Before long, he put his hand on top of your head. "I'll just leave you with this. Fighting curses is a lot easier than fighting people."

As his words sunk in, there was an uncomfortable heap of static as the speakers turned back on. Once again, Yaga-Sensei's voice blared through the event space to cut off all of the chatter of your classmates. "Before we start, we have to go over some house rules. Some of these are to be expected, but some rules were modified or added for abnormal techniques. As usual, you must kill curses with your own cursed energy for it to count. External curses are not to be brought in, with the exception of cursed techniques that manipulate curses. Likewise, the exorcism of any external curse will not be counted towards your team's score."

Yaga-Sensei continued on through the semi-audible speakers. Even if you were trying to listen, chances are you wouldn't have caught the rules anyhow. It was only until you felt something sharp on your ring finger did you bounce back to reality.

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