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It was finally getting late, so like the good host Satoru was it was his mom that offered for Suguru and you to stay over at the Gojo residence for the night. She offered you the guest bedroom and a spare mattress for Suguru, but Satoru quickly dismissed her courtesy under the pretence that he'd 'deal with it.'

Anyone with eyes could tell this was just another excuse for him to sleep with you.

He's slept with you before - but not in that way of course. He tends to fall asleep on your dorm bed when he's pestering you at the odd hours of the night. Though, you did have the sneaking suspicion that it may of been an intentional ploy of his. If that's one thing you know about Satoru, he is very touchy and would take any opportunity to get close and intimate with you, even when you didn't really want it.

"Y/n-chan'll take the bed with me, and you can just set up the air mattress on the floor," Satoru concluded without much thought.

But Suguru wasn't having any of it. "There's no way I'm third wheeling tonight. Where's the guest bedroom?"

"Down the hall to the right-"

And without a word more, Suguru left. It was surprising how quick he bolted out, but it did leave you and Satoru a whole night alone together. A night Satoru was not planning on wasting.

"Y/n-channn," Satoru smirked, locking the door to his room before wrapping his arms around your neck from behind. "You've practiced hard today, and you've done such a great job manifesting your cursed energy. I'd be a bad Senpai if I didn't reward you..."

Looking back at him, you saw a certain glimpse in his eye. One that was all to familiar to you at this point: Lust.

You couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at the sight. After all it was the same look Naoya Zen'in had the night he brought you to that hotel, and the same look he gave you the night of the misunderstanding. You darted your eyes around awkwardly. "I-I don't need a reward, Satoru. I'm not all that strong yet anyways."

"Nonsense," the boy countered, his hands trailing down your shirt delicately. Nibbling on your ear, the boy let off a breathy whisper. "My bed's all nicely made, but I don't mind ruining my sheets with you tonight Y/n-chan."

As you sharply inhaled, you felt something firm press against your back. Was that...?

"Satoru, I-I don't know if I can..."

"If you can?" He raised his eyebrows, his fingers crawling ever so further up. "Don't worry about that stuff. I don't mind helping you out~."

"I-It's just, not after..." you gulped, gently tugging away from him. You found yourself plopped on his bed, nervously playing with the red string tied to your finger. "Not after Naoya."

This seemed to completely change Satoru's attitude. Plopping down next to you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder before gently pulling you in his chest. "You never did tell me what happened with Naoya."

"You probably got the gist anyways," the pained chuckle left your lips, shaking your head.

"I don't." Satoru was blunt. "I don't get it. Sure I can pretend I do, but that's not going to do us any good. How many times have I hurt you because I pretended to know what you wanted?"

You closed your eyes in complete silence.

After a small huff, the boy continued. "I don't want to risk hurting you again. You don't have to tell me now, but I hope one day you'll be comfortable enough to-"

TIMELESS | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now