You're off the team

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Location: Eagle Rock High


Alciia: I heard what happened.... Is she going to be okay?

Justin: She's going to be fine, suffered major injuries but I got her to the hospital on time

Alicia: Good job Justin

Justin: Yeah thanks

Alicia: Have you guys heard from Drake?

Justin: I have no idea where he is

Emily: Neither do I, Scooter and Fredo are on it

Alicia: How is Jeremy taking this?

Justin: Well my dad, he can't believe Drake would go to those measures

Emily: But he did, he's dangerous

Justin: I told Scooter that but he will be back, I know he will

Out on the field

Jason:  What are you doing here man?

Jake: I came to play

Michael: You don't belong here anymore man

Jason: How could you?

Jake: You know its not true man

Jason: To be honest I don't know who you are anymore Jake


Jason: *runs off*

Michael: You raped that girl

Jake: What do you know?

Michael: I knew you were my team mate

Jake: I still am

Michael: Really? Oh and I also know you're a bastard that doesn't give two shits about his actions.

What if Emily didn't wake up from that coma?

What if Emily was dead?

What if Principal Jenkins didn't know the truth?

You would be around us right now, playing with us in the game not knowing the kind of person you are. You could have told someone what you did, someone but you didn't and its all your fault, own up to it *runs off*

Coach: Heilieman?

Jake: Yes coach?

Coach: Why are you on my field?

Jake: I came to play coach

Coach: You're not suppose to be here

Jake: But.....

Coach: Because of what you did to that poor girl, you're off of the team

Jake: Coach football is my life

Coach: Not anymore son, playing football with us is giving the school a bad name

Jake: The whole school knows about this?

Coach: Yes and it would be better to lay off, I'm sorry Jake *blows whistle* LET'S GO EAGLES!!! WE HAVE A GAME TO WIN FRIDAY NIGHT. LET'S GO, LET'S GO!!!!

Jake: *mumbles* I will have my revenge Justin *walks off*

He's Not All Bad- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now