Writer here: Hey guys, thank you so much for supporting this book, the second book to My Sworn Enemy Is Now My Stepbrother, it really means a lot. So I changed the book up a bit by changing the way I write it may or may not be confusing but you decide. Most of the parts are written in Justin's point of view. I hope you like it so far :) Read on
Once again I was trying to play the hero/protector turns out that was a huge mistake. They now know, they all do well in my defense not really. Stuck in the high school parking lot without a inch of movement with paparazzi surrounding my car Emily was now exposed. I had to get her.... I mean us home before matters get worse. But why won't I just start the damn car you ask? Why was I paralyzed? Because reality hit me.
"Drive you idiot" said a voice in my head. No other than Kidrauhl. I started the engine yet still not moving. "I can't Kidrauhl" I responded back in my head of course. "Do I have to do everything" the voice answered back in total annoyance. Before you know it I was speeding down the road towards my house leaving the reporters behind in utter shock. "Justin slow down!!!" Emily yelled out. My hands stiff on the steering wheel going over 45 miles per hour. "It isn't me" I told her calmly. "What are you talking about? Justin you're going over the speed limit. Stop!!!". By then she was already panicking. "I'm not controlling the car its Kidrauhl" I blurted out. "Kid what now? That's impossible". Facing front speeding down the road with traffic lights up ahead which seems as though I would be wedged out of my seat at any moment. "You know Kidrauhl" I said reminding her. "I KNOW WHO KIDRAUHL IS!!!" she yelled out. There's a red light. Stop. But I didn't instead I ran through the light lucky for me not a pedestrian was in sight or a vehicle to make it precise a cop. "Kidrauhl what are you doing?" I said aloud. By now Emily probably thinks I'm crazy, if you ask me its not a good impression when you just started dating someone. "I'm getting you home" a voice answered. "Let go of the steering wheel" I responded aloud. "I will once you're home safe" he said back. The thing is poor Emily was witnessing this, all of it, another secret was out. I talk to Kidrauhl.
Emily looked into the rear-view mirror, behind us was a black van. Guess was who inside? The paps if you guessed the paps you were indeed correct. Head on my tail trying to get every glimpse of me, to catch me they were right behind. "Justin do something!!!" Emily said terrified. Just the look on her face said it all. It was now a car chase. "Kidrauhl go faster" I commanded. "I'm trying, its no use" a voice answered. "Let go let me take over" I said. "What!!! Are you paranoid? Justin you got arrested for DUI, I can't let you go get in trouble again". This coming from a 13 year old. "I'm speeding all over L.A. hand over the wheel". I fought with him over the steering wheel swerving right and left in the middle of the road, when I looked back about 4 cars were piled up against each other and a big truck vertically at the center. "Justin let me do this" a voice said. "You're putting us in danger" I answered back frantically. "Actually I'm saving your butts, let me do this" he answered. Turning through corners and alleys at a high fast rate we... I mean Kidrauhl was able to lose the paparazzi and we were safely home at around 4pm. "Thanks Kidrauhl". "You're welcome buddy" a voice said back. Looking over at an angry Emily I knew this day was going to end horrible or worse so to speak. I was right
I walked into the house after Emily looking at Scooter and Fredo who appeared angry as usual. Drake looking down, Selena looking scared, Ryan smiling and as for Chaz well he's always cheerful. "They know" Drake glared at me. "I know, I just got chased down by paparazzi" I replied taking a seat on the couch. "They saw Emily, I'm doomed". Selena looked horrible. "You're doomed!!!! How are you doomed, what about my career?" she asked. "What about it?" I looked at her grinning. "I can't have people knowing I'm dating your stepbrother" she spat out looking at both me and Drake. "So I'm just a stepbrother" Drake said angrily. The room was now heated. Filled with tension so to speak. I rested my hand on his shoulder grinning at Selena "Welcome to the club brother". Drake scoffed and moved my hand away. "You're the one that forced me into this stupid relationship" she said back directly to him. "You did it for Justin, don't bring this on me" he replied. Glancing at Emily who was standing behind Ryan looking angry looked back at me. "What about Kidrauhl?" she spoke up. "Uhm not now Em" I said anxiously. I'm officially doomed for good now. She peered at me "So they don't know either, wow Juju you really can keep a secret". She was now smiling. "Secret?" Chaz asked "Oooo I love secrets". This is not going to end well. "What is she talking about?" Scooter looked at me touching his moustache. If anyone was to say the truth now, it was going to be me, now or never. I chose now........
"I talk to Kidrauhl". I swallowed hard. Eyes were staring me down. "You guys probably think I'm crazy but its true. "Crazy isn't the word" Fredo said still in shock. "How is that possible?" Ryan asked. "Kidrauhl? But he's young and you're you" Chaz said. "Is Kidrauhl the younger kid version of you?" Drake asked. "I remember Kidrauhl, he was so sweet, now look at you" Selena shot at me. "How could you not tell us?" Emily asked with a death- defying tone. I was being questioned in my home. My own home. I thought I could be normal even in my own house but I guess I was wrong. "All of you stop!!!" I yelled. Eyes stared again. "It just happened alright, I talk to him. He helps me, he gives me advice, he's me, we're one. I can see him also only when he wants to appear. He's a prick, nevertheless he's who I am, the younger version, the one who started out with pots and spoons for drums, the one who sang on the steps of the Avon Theatre, the one who had very little. The one who guides me. I talk to him, you all know the truth now deal with it. I said all of it with confidence hoping to get a different answer, instead in sync they all answered back with "Okay". That went well don't ya think?
Quickly diverting from the "Kidrauhl topic" I asked "Did anyone pick up the paper?" The room was filled No's and I forgot. I got up from the couch and headed outside to the front porch where a white newspaper was on the ground. Picking it up I was devastated, my mood changed. I walked back into the house, with paper in hand, looking down. "What does it say?" a curious Scooter asked. WIthout saying a word I walked over to him and pushed it into his pale hands. Collecting it he stared with Fredo peering over him to get a look. The front took me at surprise. It was the main headline not only I could have been seen on it but Drake as well. Yes I said Drake- my stepbrother. It read:
The short article at the bottom read
19 year old teen sensation Justin Bieber was spotted with at Eagle Rock High here in L.A. with a girl? What was Justin doing at the high school? Reports say its a belieber. No one knows who this mystery girl is. As for Drake Bell it has be known that Drake and Selena Gomez- Justin Bieber's ex girlfriend have been hitting it off. Quite the couple they are. Jelena is out and Delena is in.
Read more on page 12.
"Give me that" Drake said getting up grabbing the paper right out of his hands. The paper was passed around the entire room. It took a while for Drake to grasp it. "Looks like you got what you wanted" Ryan said smirking. "Whatever Ryan" Drake scoffed. "What do we do now?" I asked Scooter and Fredo. The two looked distraught sitting on the kitchen counter tops. "There's only one thing to do" Fredo said looking at the whole group. There was a shift in his tone. "What's that?" I asked impatiently. "Get Pattie back here" Scooter said sternly "That's the only thing to do." I gulped. My mother is going to return, she's coming back.

He's Not All Bad- Book 2
Fiksi PenggemarThere's new people in the Bieber household Drake Bell- the changed stepbrother Selena Gomez- the ex Ryan Butler&Chaz Somers- the best friends Emily Alvarez- the belieber The feud between Drake Bell and Justin Bieber is finally over but will the two...