Monday morning
Emily p.o.v.
It was 5:15am. I'm the first one to get up and then Justin to prepare for school. It was the normal routine. Justin moving at a slow ass pace while I tried not to be late. You can tell he's not much of a morning person. The way he eats, walks, talks and the way he carries himself. Well we all know how that goes......
I managed to get him out of the house but then it was a whole different story at school. I pratically had to force him out of the car.
So while Justin was away at fun land Principal Jenkins made it quite clear to the entire school that if anyone goes near Justin Bieber or even as a inch ask him for an autograph or a photo they will automatically get a five day suspension. He will find out. When he said anyone except me .He even went so far as to place tiny cameras around the school well except the washrooms. When we walked in it was just all stares. Kind of creepy. We weren't walking into Eagle Rock High as just a star and a fan but as a couple. But we kind of tried to keep it a secret. Something Justin wanted to protect me. We both got the same classes again. There's probably one question you all would like to know: Do you easily get distracted with him being around? The answer is no and that's because I always bring my A game with a GPA of 3.5 and with Jake Heilieman in half of my classes well its tough. There's a not a day that goes by when I glance at him thinking about that horrifying moment, the night he took my virginity and it was forced. Our schedule goes according to this
Biology- Ms. Rodrigue
Computer Applications- Ms Synott
Geometry-Ms Grimes
Academic Focus- Ms Hackett
English- Ms Vargas
Civics(U.S. history)- Mr. MartinezI only have one male teacher, sucks to be. The easiest class to pass would be Computer Applications and Academic Focus or as I like to call it AF. Lunch went by smoothly with Mr. Leroy giving the daily announcements whether it be sports or volunteering stuff. It was after that period that I was no longer known as goody-two shoes. My high school reputation was at stake and only one guy to blame.... Jake Heilieman.
Ms. Hackett was standing at her door waiting for students to walk in as the bell rang. As me and Justin neared the class Jake was approaching the same time. Justin being a gentleman and all let me go in first but Jake shoved him into a wall and walked in like nothing had happen, Ms Hackett was unaware of it.
Me: Omg Justin are you okay?
Justin: Yeah I'm fine *glares at Jake*
Jake: Sorry msan I didn't see you there *smirks*
Ms Hackett: *closes the door and walks in* Log on to your computers
What is Acamedic Focus? Its a class you take if you don't read at your normal grade level it shows when you take the Star Reading Test. What basically happens is you go on a website called Mindplay and you have to take fluency reading tests, RAP 360, Phonics, Grammar blah blah blah. In my opinion its stupid. The class is a bore and Ms Hackett is a no-nonsense teacher. Recently our computers got assigned numbers because when we try to log into different computers it takes forever to load and that was beginning to be a problem. Thirty minutes of Mindplay every five days of the week and were all set once we reach 100% fidelity. Sounds complicated? Nope its an easy A once you put your mind to it. I had #2 and Justin has #18 but of course Jake knew that......
Justin: Where is my computer?
Me: Did you check by the chargers?
Justin: It's not there
He sounded annoyed, the first time his computer goes missing.
Ms Hackett: *shouts* Who has #18?
Taylor: I don't, I got mine
Ms. Hackett: Jake sweetie, what computer do you have there?
Jake: Mine duhhh
Ms. Hackett: What's your number?
Jake: 7
Justin: *goes over to Jake and looks at the computer*
Jake: What the fuck are you doing? Don't touch that
Justin: He has mine
Jake: Fuck off beaver
Ms Hackett: Jake give him his computer
Jake: No first come, first served. Get away from me
Ms Hackett: Jake give it up
Jake: Ms. you of all people should know first come, first served.
Ms Hackett: Where's your number?
Jake: I don't know, I don't care
Ms Hackett: You're getting a detention
Jake: For what!!! What did I do?
Ms Hackett: I don't have to listen to you be all smart mouth with me.
Jake: Whatever. Nice job beaver.
Ms. Hackett: Give him the computer or you're going outside!!!
Jake gave up the computer and Justin went back to his seat. Upon collecting his right computer and going back to his seat Jake jammed Justin making his headphones fall off. Justin acted quickly pushing Jake forward with the laptop tumbling to the floor and a fight had started.....
Two students were able to break them off Jordan and Jay.
Ms Hackett: Detention Justin
Justin: He started it!!!
Ms Hackett: Instead of being on Mindplay, you chose to cause a fight. *yells* DETENTION!!!
Justin: This is stupid
Ms Hackett: *yells* Start working. Now!!!
Me: Ms don't yell at him
Ms Hackett: Don't tell me how to run my job young lady
Me: I don't care about your lame ass job. I don't want to be in this fucking class anyway
Class: *gasp*
Shayla: Oh no she didn't
Eddie: Oh yes she did. *shouts* GO EMILY!!!
Justin: *whispers to Emily* Uhm Em.....
Ms Hackett: Be quiet all of you
Here it comes.... A moment of silence
Ms Hackett: Emily see you in detention
Class: *gasp*
There you have it, my first detention, nothing goes right in this world, nothing......

He's Not All Bad- Book 2
Fiksi PenggemarThere's new people in the Bieber household Drake Bell- the changed stepbrother Selena Gomez- the ex Ryan Butler&Chaz Somers- the best friends Emily Alvarez- the belieber The feud between Drake Bell and Justin Bieber is finally over but will the two...