*7 months later*
Emily p.o.v.
I had to face reality that as months went by my feelings for Justin were real
Justin p.o.v.
She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves me not
She loves me
She loves............
I'm just messing around. She probably does.
I spoke to Principal Jenkins about not attending Eagle Rock High for a few months. Journals Album was going to be coming out soon and to be honest the album was strictly about Selena in some songs, not all. My feelings needed to get out there. Reasurring that Emily was safe at school, I left to work on music, Jake Heilieman was being watched 24/7 in school. Meanwhile Drake and Selena were getting along just fine, I still hate the idea of them together but it is what it is, my main focus now was Emily
Drake p.o.v.
Still living with Bieber and its pure torment at least I have Selena now, that's all that matters. By the way Justin's album Journals sucks ass, you didn't hear from me
Selena p.o.v.
I can't believe Justy wrote a whole album about me and our breakup. I feel bad for the guy but I have to finally move on and put him behind me but I'm stuck with his stepbrother. Well this is it, this is life
Ryan p.o.v,
Justin and Emily make a cute pair don't ya think? I do and Chaz agrees also. I wonder when he'll ask her out, Justin takes long with girls unlike me, the girls love me. It's fun living with Justin but I can't stand Drake he's getting on my last nerves.
Chaz p.o.v.
Tacos sounds good right now. Hmmm tacos
This is us 7 months later
Justin p.o.v.
Tired from recording in the studio constantly I made my way to the kitchen. "Morning sunshine" Fredo chuckled. "Morning" I said lazily.
Selena rushed in "JUSTY!!!!"
"Why won't she leave me alone, my god" my guilty conscience thought. "Good luck with that" a voice said back.
Kidrauhl, as a smile placed across my lips.
"Yes Sel?"
"No way" I replied excitedly with a sheepish look
It was way back when I first met her face to face, the secrete plan was to get me and Selena together for publicity according to Scooter. I will never forget that day, not ever. We were seated around a huge table. I remember it like it was yesterday
"You're the girl from Wizards of Waverly Place right?"
"You should really stick to acting though"
My mother scolded "Son be nice"
It was from that day she was known as family.........
She looked at me grinning "Yes way, aren't you happy for me?"
"No Sel I'm not"
"Burn!!!!" Drake piped up
"But you didn't let me finish" I said glaring at him
"In fact Sel" I glanced at her "I'm proud of you"
Looking amused she returned a smile "Really?"
"How about a treat, on me guys, Drake you can come"
"No" Drake demanded
I'm trying to be nice, I honestly hate Drake, really I do
Fredo announced "How about when Emily returns". "That's a great idea" I answered back, "then we all can go"
"Sounds like a good plan Justy" Selena exclaimed
Chaz yelled from the corner of the room "Yo Justin!!!"
"Yo bro!!!" I yelled back
"Does that mean we get tacos?" gleamed Chaz
I smiled wide and said "anything you want buddy"
Chaz yelled with a shriek so loud that it probably disturbed the neighbours
"Idiot" Drake called after Chaz
"Then its settled" I said
I went upstairs to prepare for a shower, I just had to do one thing before I went in there. I had to tweet something, anything, I had to update my lovely Beliebers. They mean the world to me. Keeping them on track with knowing what I'm doing at every point is important, that's what Twitter is for right with 40.2M followers and counting. I went directly to Twitter on my phone and tweeted
Justin Bieber
Keep your head up guys. Always believe. I see you
I placed my phone back down and headed into the shower
Today is going to be a good day, I promise you that

He's Not All Bad- Book 2
FanficThere's new people in the Bieber household Drake Bell- the changed stepbrother Selena Gomez- the ex Ryan Butler&Chaz Somers- the best friends Emily Alvarez- the belieber The feud between Drake Bell and Justin Bieber is finally over but will the two...