Justin p.o.v.
Its horrible to say that I have stage fright, I actually have stage fright but that's insane. I never had stage fright to be honest. I'm a natural born performer, I perform in front of millions of fans. So what's the problem? I don't know. It's strange for me to run off of stage like that. My question is "why"?
Later that day at home Drake of course came up with a weird idea. Can you guess what it is? You won't believe it. It's crazy. Fine I'll just come out with it. He thinks that the solution to my stage fright is to see a therapist. You heard me "a therapist". Now I could guess what you're thinking Drake is nuts
Drake p.o.v.
I'm not nuts, I think the therapist idea is good for the kid. With his family gone and the blondettes gone also he's not coping well with it. In fact I think he has lost his sense for music, his touch. He needs help and I know just the girl to help him
Emily p.o.v.
The therapist idea is crazy no questions asked. I object to it. Justin may miss his family but he doesn't need to see a damn therapist. I mean when is Drake ever right? Like never, the idea is dumb and I don't like it.
Selena p.o.v.
Justy could use the help. No comment.....
Justin p.o.v.
So I'm not the only that thinks this is a bad idea but I'll give it a try. Something is wrong and I need to what it is.
Drake: You ready for this?
Me: Uhm no nothing is even wrong with me
Drake: You have stage fright
Me: Not the point here, I don't need a therapist, I don't need help this is bull...
Drake: I'm looking out for you
Me: Like this?
Drake: Yeah little brother
Selena: I think its a good idea
Emily: I don't
Selena: No one asked you
Emily: Sorry bitch but I'm entitled to my own opinion. I'm not here to please you
Selena: Drakey she called me a bitch, do something
Emily: You have got to be kidding me *looks at Justin* Do you see this?
Me: *sighs*
Drake: Girls please me and Justin fixed our differences, you two should do the same
Emily: Hell no
Selena: I hate her
Emily: I hate her too
We all know that- girls and their problems
Drake: We have to fix Justin
Me: I'm not a toy
Drake: You know what I mean, we need to get rid of your stage fright
Me: I'm fine
Drake: Oh really? Sing something
Me: *sings*
Flatline, flatline, flatline, flatline
Lately you've been busy
Wonderin' if you miss me
Why did you go against me? I just wanna know
How come you act so different?
Talk to me—I'll listen
All the love I'm givin', don't act like you don't know
I was out there on the road, life out of control
She became a victim to my busy schedule
And I know that it's not fair, that don't mean that I don't care
This one's dedicated to the girl out there
I paused for 5 minutes trying to remember the words.
Drake: Damn Bieber
Me: Shutup I'm trying to concentrate
Drake: You forgot your lyrics
Me: I said shutup
Drake: Therapist it is
Selena: I'll get the phone *skips away*
Why are they even enjoying this? Its already bad as it
Emily: Why are you even doing this? *looks at Drake*
Drake: I'm helping him alright
Emily: More like torture him
Me: Thanks Em
Drake: I regretted being there for him when I use to be a jerk for the past few years, its time I owned up to my mistakes
Selena was back with the phone and handed it to Drake. He scheduled the appointment and was off with a smirk on his face
Drake: You have an appointment scheduled at 9am tomorrow morning
Me: I have school
Drake: You're a funny guy you know that
Me: Yeah cause swag
Drake: You can't face those students after you ran out scared
Me: I wasn't scared!!!
Drake: Whatever you say brother, you're going. I'll drive you
Me: *scoffs*
Drake: Don't worry you'll be fine in no time and back on stage
Me: *sarcastic tone* Yayyy
I can tell you this ahead of time. A trip to the therapist office was a horrible idea, a really horrible idea especially with Drake. Things couldn't get any worse......
To be continued..........

He's Not All Bad- Book 2
FanfictionThere's new people in the Bieber household Drake Bell- the changed stepbrother Selena Gomez- the ex Ryan Butler&Chaz Somers- the best friends Emily Alvarez- the belieber The feud between Drake Bell and Justin Bieber is finally over but will the two...