Justin p.o.v.
New week
New beginningsAs for my music Journals album hit #1 on ITunes couldn't have done it without my beliebers. My mom left again to be with Jazzy and Jaxon specifically. Apart from being famous and without getting privacy there's family. My family comes first and being there with them is important to me. This time its different. There were days where I would see my mom whether it be on tour or not she was there but with Drake in the picture there is no telling when visiting hours will be how or when. All was calm in the Bieber household with me Drake Ryan and Chaz that is until Scooter and Fredo showed up. All havoc broke loose and it wasn't a preety sight. Oh I almost forgot Kenny arrived with them too.
Me: Kenny you're back!!!
Kenny: Good to be back
Me: It's been crazy
Kenny: *chuckles* Fredo told me
all about it
Me: He did did he?
Kenny: Yes sir *chuckles*
Warning: No one in the Bieber household can keep their mouth shut lately its been just lies. Except me I'm the good guy *winks*
Kenny: By the way congrats on the girl
Me: Fredooooo
Fredo: Hey that wasn't me it was Scooter
Scooter: So I spilled a bit *smiles*
Kenny: Where is she?
Me: At school
Kenny: Eagle Rock High where you attend
Me: Oh come on isn't there anything that no one has told him *looks around the room*
Drake: I didn't do anything this time
Ryan: Guilty much
Drake: You probably told him something
Ryan: Do you hear this guy? *looks at Justin* He's accusing me of such a thing
Scooter: Knock it off
Drake&Ryan: But...
Scooter: Now!!!
Kenny: The reason I'm back
Scooter: Is because I have a new client
Me: Ooo go Scoot
Fredo: *clears throat*
Me: You do know you're just my director?
Fredo: Yeah just like Scoot here.is your manager and Kenny is your bodyguard
Scooter: Uhm Fredo we didn't come to preach. We have to move
Justin: Who's your new client?
Scooter: You'll see
Ryan: I'm coming
Chaz: ME TOO!!!
Drake: I'm tagging along
Fredo: Great bieber and his gang of loners
Drake: Exhibit A and B *points to Ryan and Chaz* or as I like to call them the blondettes *waves hand in the air*
Ryan: You're not funny *shoves Drake out the door*
Drake: What if I had fallen on my face?
Ryan: Then I won't care *laughs*
Chaz: Oh I get it now
Ryan: Come on bro get with the times
*On the way to meet the anonymous client*
Fredo: Trust me Justin this guy is very famous you'll like him
Me: Cool
Scooter: I thought he wasn't getting any hints
Fredo: I will say no more. Sorry bro
Me: Oh man *pouts*
*5 hours later*
We arrived at a huge house. Kenny of course protecting us 4 guys as we headed towards the house. Scooter looking casual as always was punching letters into his phone. I couldn't quite see the message or the receiver. The door was opened by a butler dressed in a suit carrying a gray tray.
Butler: Hello gentleman we're expecting you
Who's we?
Butler: Right this way
We were led to a neatly furnished living room unlike for mine which now looks like a pig sty because some people via Drake won't pick up after himself. Shortly after a guy came into the room. I recognised him right away. He was one of the Macgon boys. They broke up such talented guys.
??: Ayeee Justin Bieber
Me: Ayeee
??: I'm Matthew Espinosa
Chaz: *faints*
He has my style and my kind of swag. I like him already. This is going to be fun
Matthew: Easy easy I got this
Justin: He got this *winks*
Hope you guys like the book so far.

He's Not All Bad- Book 2
FanficThere's new people in the Bieber household Drake Bell- the changed stepbrother Selena Gomez- the ex Ryan Butler&Chaz Somers- the best friends Emily Alvarez- the belieber The feud between Drake Bell and Justin Bieber is finally over but will the two...