Hanging out with Matthew Espinosa

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*Matt's room*

Justin p.o.v.

The guy had everything from a foosball table to Black Ops 3. We started out with the vine and I tweeted it out. My Beliebers went crazy. After that we did the livestream video just for them and his fans of course.

Matthew: Ready?

Me: Ready

Me: Hey guys I'm here with Matthew Espinosa

Matthew: I'm with Justin

Me: Time for questions

Matthew: Alright

Me: *looks at phone* This is for me, Do you still love Selena?

*looks back at the camera* That's a tough question

Matthew: Dude you know you do

Me: Well its hard to say. All I can say is Selena moved on and I did too. Next question

Matthew: What is your favorite color?

Me: For me or you?

Matthew: Me. It's blue *smiles*

Me: My question is: Are you doing any new songs?

Yes I am. Soon *winks*

Matthew: Who's your favorite singer?

This guy right here

Me: Aw man. I feel honored

Matthew: It's okay partner

Drake: *walks in* Justin Scooter wants you

Me: Say hi Drake

Drake: What? To who?

Me: My Beliebers and Matthew's fans

Drake: No thanks

Me: Come onnnnnn

Drake: Hi

Me: That's my stepbrother guys. I'll be back

Matthew: That's it for now. Say bye Justin

Me: Byeeee *runs downstairs*

Drake: *goes to walk out of the door*

Matthew: Drake wait


Me: You called for me?

Scooter: Yeah we're leaving now

Me: But we just got here

Scooter: We need to get you home

Me: Fine we were in the middle of something

Scooter: Sorry man, where's Drake?

Me: I thought he was right behind me, I'll go check and see if he's upstairs

Scooter: Hurry

Fredo: Take your time

Me: Okay

Scooter: What was that for?

Fredo: Stop pressuring the boy

Scooter: You stick to being the director, I'll stick to being the manager


Matthew: What's your deal with Justin?

Drake: Nothing, he's my stepbrother

Matthew: Okay

Drake: Why are you asking?

Matthew: Cause you called him named for years

Drake: And I'm guessing no one sees past that

Matthew: Not really

Drake: Well guess what, a guy can change

Matthew: If you say so

Drake: You know what Matthew, you might be famous but you're a real dick

Matthew: Justin doesn't think so

Drake: Justin doesn't see a lot of things. I'm looking out for him and I'm here to stay if you don't like it then deal with it. I'm not going anywhere. He's my little brother. I got his back

Me: *walks in* Drake we gotta go

Drake: About time *shoves Matthew and walks out*

Me: What was that about?

Matthew: Ask him yourself

Me: I'll talk to him. Look we gotta go

Matthew: Next time?

Me: Next time

Those were the last two words I spoke to Matthew before I walked out and headed home. Drake was quiet the whole ride but things changed during the course of the night. It was time for the talk-

Brother to Brother again

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